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Why pytorch DataLoader behaves differently on numpy array and list?

The only difference is one of the parameter passed to DataLoader is in type "numpy.array" and the other is in type "list", but the DataLoader gives totally different results.

You can use the following code to reproduce it:

from torch.utils.data import DataLoader,Dataset
import numpy as np

class my_dataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self,data,label):
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.data[index],self.label[index]
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)


########################### Look at here:    

for i in test:
    print ("numpy data:")
    print (i)

for i in test:
    print ("list data:")
    print (i)

The result is:

numpy data:
[tensor([[1, 2, 3],
        [5, 6, 7]]), tensor([-1, -2])]
list data:
[[tensor([1, 5]), tensor([2, 6]), tensor([3, 7])], tensor([-1, -2])]  
like image 564
Statham Avatar asked Oct 15 '18 13:10


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What is the difference between a PyTorch dataset and a PyTorch DataLoader?

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Is PyTorch faster than Numpy on CPU?

Tensors in CPU and GPU GPU (graphics processing units) composes of hundreds of simpler cores, which makes training deep learning models much faster. Below is the quick comparison between GPU and CPU. It is nearly 15 times faster than Numpy for simple matrix multiplication!

1 Answers

This is because how batching is handled in torch.utils.data.DataLoader. collate_fn argument decides how samples from samples are merged into a single batch. Default for this argument is undocumented torch.utils.data.default_collate.

This function handles batching by assuming numbers/tensors/ndarrays are primitive data to batch and lists/tuples/dicts containing these primitives as structure to be (recursively) preserved. This allow you to have a semantic batching like this:

  1. (input_tensor, label_tensor) -> (batched_input_tensor, batched_label_tensor)
  2. ([input_tensor_1, input_tensor_2], label_tensor) -> ([batched_input_tensor_1, batched_input_tensor_2], batched_label_tensor)
  3. {'input': input_tensor, 'target': target_tensor} -> {'input': batched_input_tensor, 'target': batched_target_tensor}

(Left side of -> is output of dataset[i], while right side is batched sample from torch.utils.data.DataLoader)

Your example code is similar to example 2 above: list structure is preserved while ints are batched.

like image 182
Sasank Chilamkurthy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Sasank Chilamkurthy