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Why "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs" appears in the alert box?


In my Rails 3 application I do:

render :js => "alert(\"Error!\\nEmpty message sent.\");" if ... 

Sometimes, below this error message (in the same alert box) I see: "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs" and a checkbox.

What does this mean ?

Is that possible not to display this additional text and checkbox ?

I use Firefox 4.

like image 807
Misha Moroshko Avatar asked May 01 '11 12:05

Misha Moroshko

People also ask

How do you stop prevent this page from creating additional dialogs?

You can't disable it. This is a browser feature and is intended to protect the user, If you could turn it off, all those sites spamming users with dialogs would have a way to stop it.

What does it mean prevent this page from creating additional dialogs?

Answer 5208ce4e548c358aac00869b This is a feature of your browser to avoid the appearance of others dialogues window.

2 Answers

It's a browser feature to stop websites that show annoying alert boxes over and over again.

As a web developer, you can't disable it.

like image 132
Marcel Korpel Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 20:10

Marcel Korpel

What does this mean ?

This is a security measure on the browser's end to prevent a page from freezing the browser (or the current page) by showing modal (alert / confirm) messages in an infinite loop. See e.g. here for Firefox.

You can not turn this off. The only way around it is to use custom dialogs like JQuery UI's dialogs.

like image 39
Pekka Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 19:10
