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why *ngIf doesnt'work with ng-template?

People also ask

Can you put ngIf on ng-template?

Alternatively, (and preferably), you can also use the ng-template element by prefixing an asterisk (*), which is the shorthand syntax. For instance, *ngIf, *ngFor. These directives are very common in Angular, and are present almost everywhere either implicitly or explicitly.

Can we use ngFor in ng-template?

When we use *ngFor , we're telling Angular to essentially treat the element the * is bound to as a template. Angular's <ng-template> element is not a true Web Component (unlike <template> ).

What is the difference between ng-container and ng-template?

ng-container serves as a container for elements which can also accept structural directives but is not rendered to the DOM, while ng-template allows you to create template content that is not rendered until you specifically (conditionally or directly) add it to the DOM.

What is difference between template and ng-template?

To sum up, ng-content is used to display children in a template, ng-container is used as a non-rendered container to avoid having to add a span or a div, and ng-template allows you to group some content that is not rendered directly but can be used in other places of your template or you code.

Read the doc here https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives especially for

<div *ngIf="hero" >{{hero.name}}</div>

The asterisk is "syntactic sugar" for something a bit more complicated. Internally, Angular desugars it in two stages. First, it translates the *ngIf="..." into a template attribute, template="ngIf ...", like this.

<div template="ngIf hero">{{hero.name}}</div>

Then it translates the template attribute into a element, wrapped around the host element, like this.

<ng-template [ngIf]="hero"> <div>{{hero.name}}</div></ng-template>

  • The *ngIf directive moved to the element where it became a property binding,[ngIf].
  • The rest of the , including its class attribute, moved inside the element.

So for it we have ng-container

 <ng-container *ngIf="seat.section">
    Section {{seat.section}} ,

or use span or div or regular html tag.

 <span *ngIf="seat.section">
    Section {{seat.section}} ,

or if you still want to use ng-template (not recommended)

<ng-template [ngIf]="seat.section">
  Section {{seat.section}} ,