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Why my signed apk crashes?



I've signed an app with a sign which I've created. I've installed this apk in my phone and this is ok, but when I've tried to open the app crashes (doesn't show any activity), and it doesn't give me the posibility to watch the log (this dialog doesn't have the report button)

The problem is the sign which I've signed the app. I've tested with other sign and the app opens perfectly. I can't post any information about the creation of the sign, but only I can say I've used:

Letters and _ character in alias

Letters, numbers and - character in password

50 in years

and Letters in name

others field are blank.

The main problem is that the app is published in the google play, so How I can publish a new signed apk without to unpublish this app and create a new app?

like image 642
beni Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 12:02


People also ask

Why does my APK keep crashing?

Apps on Android can crash because of low storage space, too many apps running simultaneously, a weak internet connection, or not having the proper app updates installed.

Does an APK need to be signed?

In Android, an apk should be signed with its developer's certificate before installed, while those without valid signatures cannot be installed.

2 Answers

Cleaning the project solved the problem in my case.

like image 198
Zakharov Roman Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Zakharov Roman

For anyone getting this in a react-native environment, remember to bundle your js before generating the signed APK.

Easy to forget if you're using something like Android Studios GUI 🙃

like image 30
Brad Adams Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Brad Adams