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Why JsonNull in GSON?




The docs say the JsonObject#get method returns null if no such member exists. That's not accurate; sometimes a JsonNull object is returned instead of null.

What is the idiom for checking whether a particular field exists in GSON? I wish to avoid this clunky style:

jsonElement = jsonObject.get("optional_field");
if (jsonElement != null && !jsonElement.isJsonNull()) {
    s = jsonElement .getAsString();

Why did GSON use JsonNull instead of null?

There is an answer for what are the differences between null and JsonNull. In my question above, I'm looking for the reasons why.

like image 444
ruhong Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 04:08


People also ask

What is JSONNull?

JSONNull is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls null, whilst Java's null is equivalent to the value that JavaScript calls undefined. Author: JSON.org See Also: Serialized Form. Method Summary. boolean. equals(Object object)

What is GSON toJson in Java?

Introduction. Gson is the main actor class of Google Gson library. It provides functionalities to convert Java objects to matching JSON constructs and vice versa. Gson is first constructed using GsonBuilder and then toJson(Object) or fromJson(String, Class) methods are used to read/write JSON constructs.

2 Answers

Gson, presumably, wanted to model the difference between the absence of a value and the presence of the JSON value null in the JSON. For example, there's a difference between these two JSON snippets


your application might consider them the same, but the JSON format doesn't.


JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); // {}

returns the Java value null because no member exists with that name.


JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.add("key", JsonNull.INSTANCE /* or even null */); // {"key":null}

returns an instance of type JsonNull (the singleton referenced by JsonNull.INSTANCE) because a member does exist with that name and its value is JSON null, represented by the JsonNull value.

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Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Sotirios Delimanolis

I know question is not asking for a solution, but I came here looking for one. So I will post it in case someone else needs it.

Below Kotlin extension code saves the trouble of checking for null and isJsonNull separately for each element

import com.google.gson.JsonElement
import com.google.gson.JsonObject

fun JsonObject.getNullable(key: String): JsonElement? {
    val value: JsonElement = this.get(key) ?: return null

    if (value.isJsonNull) {
        return null

    return value

and instead of calling like this


you call like this


Works particularly great in nested structures. Your code eventually would look like this

val name = jsonObject.getNullable("owner")?.asJsonObject?.
    ?: "" 
like image 33
NecipAllef Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
