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Why isn't my genymotion device listed when I run "adb devices"

I am starting my first android project using nativescript.

I want to run my project with genymotion.

In genymotion GUI settings/ADB I am using custom Android SDK tools and genymotion tells me the android SDK tools are found. Also the VirtualBox path is valid, and when I renamed the device the VirtualBox name and Genymotion name both changed. The Virtualbox VM is powered down.

I start genymotion and get the emulator open with a black screen. I then run:

tns run android

per the nativescript docs

I get as output:

Cannot find connected devices. Reconnect any connected devices, verify that your system recognizes them, and run this command again.

I then tried running:

adb devices

and got an empty list so it seems my device is not being recognized, I just don't know why.

I have also tried running:

tns run android --emulator --geny nameOfDevice

This starts the emulator but again just a blank screen. So I guess nativescript knows about the device but adb doesnt?

Any help would be greatly appreciated and apologies in advance if I am missing some obvious android issue.

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HelloWorld Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 00:03


1 Answers

You should also make sure that your GenyMotion is using the right SDK.

Go to: >> Settings >> ADB And choose Use custom Android SDK Tools

If the SDk path is found it will be marked with

Android SDK Tools successfully found!

like image 178
Nick Iliev Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 15:03

Nick Iliev