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ERROR: Failed to launch application on device: ERROR: Failed to install apk to device: not installing on Android api level 23

I am currently working on developing hybrid app using ionic. At this moment everything works fine as expected when i try to run it in browser using ionic run and grunt serve.

But when i try to install app on mobile it gives me error like error installing on mobile Now this seems like issue of minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion. Although i am sharing my config.xml so you can get clear idea.

I am having big trouble solving this problem. If you guys can point me in the right direction, that would be great help.

NOTE: please ask me if you need any extra information about anything.

SDK information SDK platform of api 21,23

like image 973
Chirag thaker Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 06:03

Chirag thaker

1 Answers

You just need remove the old version of your app on device and reinstall again.

remember :

  1. Uninstall the program.
  2. Disable and enable USB debugging, in turn.
  3. Run "Cordova run Android" command.
like image 77
Iman Bahrampour Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 23:04

Iman Bahrampour