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Why isn't Google's Closure library hosted on their CDN?

Google hosts a number of JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and dojo on their CDN. For some reason, their own Google Closure library does not seem to be included. Is there a hosted version of the Closure library?

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mjs Avatar asked Feb 07 '10 21:02


People also ask

Why use Closure Library?

If you are developing a large or growing application, you may benefit from the Closure Library's breadth. A well-tested library can insulate you from cross-browser compatibility issues and the minutiae of client-side programming, letting you focus on the fun stuff.

What is Google CDN jQuery?

Projects In JavaScript & JQueryGoogle provides CDN support for jQuery via the googleapis.com domain. The latest version of Google CDN provides four different types of jQuery versions- normal (uncompressed), minified, slim, and slim & minified. Google CDN provides the jQuery via ajax.googleapis.com domain.

2 Answers

It's not included because Closure is intended to be used with the compiler; a hosted version would need to include the entire library and defeat the purpose of building minified libraries containing only the features you need.

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Wooble Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09


You can link to their repository:

<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/google/closure-library/master/closure/goog/base.js'></script>

good enough for demos or local development. As other answer suggested, production should use compiled code, it is well worth it.

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Paul Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
