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Why is Xcode trying to access 'cs193p.dyndns.org'

Yesterday I installed Xcode 4.2 GM, today connected my iPhone (installed with iOS 5 GM) and clicked the "Use for Development" button in Organiser.

I was them confronted with this dialogue.

Xcode attempting to connect to the host cs193p.dyndns.org

The site http://cs193p.dyndns.org hosts some "Profiles", clicking on then download a profile and attempts to install it:

Install profile

(I clicked cancel)

This new System Preference then appears:

System Preferences: Profiles

I have know idea what this is or even if I should trust it.

like image 659
Richard Stelling Avatar asked Oct 08 '11 11:10

Richard Stelling

1 Answers

cs193p is the Stanford course code for Paul Hegarty's iTunesU class. Maybe you're using the helper ObjC class he offers for managing FRCs? If so, check that code for references.

like image 90
sberley Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
