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Why is Xcode 7 iOS Simulator freezing?

I'm getting odd freezes of up to 60s in the Xcode 7 simulator, specifically when scrolling or doing other GPU-intensive tasks. The problem appears to be with the simulator as a whole, not my app (lots of spinning beach ball, slow to respond to rotate commands, etc.).

If I track CPU time in Instruments, 50s of real time shows as below 0.5s of CPU time for my app.

What's going on? (El Cap, Xcode 7.1, all iOS versions, all devices)

like image 273
sam-w Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 03:11


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How much RAM does Xcode simulator use?

Xcode's iOS simulator reports 2GB RAM for iPhone 6S, 4GB for iPad Pro.

How can I make iOS simulator run faster?

Close unused applications to free system resources such as cpu & memory. make sure "slow animations" is not selected in the simulator debug menu. Short cut for this is ⌘T simulator -> Debug -> slow animations.

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Now with new Xcode if the icon of the Xcode is on dock you can just right click it and form the menu you can select Open Developer Tool and in the sub menu you can select the iOS Simulator to open the simulator without opening the Xcode.!

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CloudKit does not work with Simulator.

1 Answers

I run Better Snap Tool for window management. Quitting this app (or disabling it from interacting with the simulator) fixes the problem immediately, even if the sim is in the middle of a freeze. No idea why, but Better Snap Tool appears to be interfering with iOS Simulator's use of the GPU.

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sam-w Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10
