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Why is "when" used in this function?

There is this index function in "Erlang Programming":

index(0, [X|_]) -> X;
index(N, [_|Xs]) when N>0 -> index(N-1, Xs)

Isn't the guard "when N>0" superfluous because of the pattern matching? Calling index(0, List) will never end up in the second clause so N will always be > 0. Or am I totally wrong here?

like image 458
Jan Deinhard Avatar asked Aug 08 '10 14:08

Jan Deinhard

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Use “when” in a clause with a single action, using a simple past or present tense.

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The word “when” has multiple functions. It can be used as an adverb, conjunction, pronoun, and noun. This word is categorized as an adverb because it modifies a verb, and adjective, or another adverb by indicating the time.

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We use a noun + that-clause to express opinions and feelings, often about certainty and possibility. We also use that with reporting nouns.

1 Answers

The function works correctly for N>=0. Without a guard, for N<0 it would traverse the whole list:

index(-2,[1,2,3]) -> index(-3,[2,3]) -> ... -> index(-5,[]) -> error.

That isn't a large problem, only you might get a confusing exception. In languages with infinite lists (Haskell, Ocaml), forgetting about that guard might lead to infinite loop: index(-1, [0,0,0..]).

like image 129
sdcvvc Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
