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Why is this piece of code in Go O(n²) and not O(n)?

I'm in the middle of reading Effective Go, and there is a piece of code which I think is O(n) complexity yet it is O(n²). Why is this for range loop considered to be O(n²)?

It is found here (under #interfaces)

type Sequence []int
func (s Sequence) String() string {
    for i, elem := range s { // Loop is O(N²); will fix that in next example.
        if i > 0 {
            str += " "
        str += fmt.Sprint(elem)

The reason I think it is O(n) is because there is only one iteration over s, and the if statement and fmt.Sprint should not be in O(n) complexity.

like image 654
Yuval Meshorer Avatar asked Jul 23 '19 11:07

Yuval Meshorer

1 Answers

Every time you concatenate str += fmt.Sprint(elem) you create a new String that has to transfer (copy) the characters of the prev str into the new one. In step 1 you copy 1 char, in step 2, 2, etc. This gives n(n+1)/2 copies. Hence the complexity is O(n^2).

like image 70
Leandro Caniglia Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Leandro Caniglia