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Why is sqlite a MongoDB dependency when installing MongoDB with Homebrew

While installing MongoDB on macOS using Homebrew, one of the lines I noticed is:

==> Installing mongodb dependency: sqlite

Out of curiosity, what is the connection there? Why is sqlite a dependency of mongodb?

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baronsbaby Avatar asked Apr 18 '18 07:04


People also ask

Can you use MongoDB on Mac?

This guide goes over the two main ways to install MongoDB on a Mac. One of the methods requires Homebrew. Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for the Mac – it makes installing most open source software (like MongoDB) as simple as writing brew install mongodb .

How do I install MongoDB on my Macbook Pro?

Here, MongoDB is the data directory where the mongod writes the data. Here, sudo command means allow to give all the permissions to start the database. Like, as shown in the below image: Here, sudo mongod –dbpath ~/MongoDB command to start mongod server and ~/MongoDB is data directory.

1 Answers

It appears that certain flavors of MongoDB now use SQLite as a backend: https://docs.mongodb.com/stitch/mongodb/mobile/mobile-overview/

like image 184
agranov Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10
