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Is there a way to index a document in mongoDB populating its references?

If I have these two collections:

Book: {
title: String,
description: String
author: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'},

User: {
_id: (generated by mongo)
username: String

And I want to index Book for FTS. Can I do it in such a way that it will also be searchable by username even though the usernames are not explicitly stored in the books collection?

In other words, is it possible (or advisable) to index a populated collection?


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Michael Seltenreich Avatar asked Dec 30 '15 11:12

Michael Seltenreich

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MongoDB supports compound indexes, where a single index structure holds references to multiple fields [1] within a collection's documents. The following diagram illustrates an example of a compound index on two fields: click to enlarge. [1] MongoDB imposes a limit of 32 fields for any compound index.

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1 Answers

As Blakes Seven mentioned, it is not possible to index across collections.

In cases where this kind of full text search has been paramount to my application, the classic solution is to denormalize the field and included it in both collections. In this case, your Book collection would look like:

Book: {
  title: String,
  description: String
  author: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, 
    ref: 'User',
    ### New field ###
    username: String

Now you can index on author.username.

It is entirely dependent on your application whether or not that is a good idea. Downsides include synchronizing username across collections and adding unnecessary weight to each document.

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tyleha Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 02:10
