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Why is partition key column missing from DataFrame

I have a job which loads a DataFrame object and then saves the data to parquet format using the DataFrame partitionBy method. Then I publish the paths created so a subsequent job can use the output. The paths in the output would look like this:


When I receive new data it is appended to the dataset. The paths are published so jobs which depend on the data can just process the new data.

Here's a simplified example of the code:

>>> rdd = sc.parallelize([(0,1,"A"), (0,1,"B"), (0,2,"C"), (1,2,"D"), (1,10,"E"), (1,20,"F"), (3,18,"G"), (3,18,"H"), (3,18,"I")])
>>> df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, ["id", "score","letter"])
>>> df.show()
| id|score|letter|
|  0|    1|     A|
|  0|    1|     B|
|  0|    2|     C|
|  1|    2|     D|
|  1|   10|     E|
|  1|   20|     F|
|  3|   18|     G|
|  3|   18|     H|
|  3|   18|     I|
>>> df.write.partitionBy("id").format("parquet").save("hdfs://localhost:9000/ptest")

The problem is when another job tries to read the file using the published paths:

>>> df2 = spark.read.format("parquet").schema(df2.schema).load("hdfs://localhost:9000/ptest/id=0/")
>>> df2.show()
|    1|     A|
|    1|     B|
|    2|     C|

As you can see the partition key is missing from the loaded dataset. If I were to publish a schema that jobs could use I can load the file using the schema. The file loads and the partition key exists, but the values are null:

>>> df2 = spark.read.format("parquet").schema(df.schema).load("hdfs://localhost:9000/ptest/id=0/")
>>> df2.show()
|  id|score|letter|
|null|    1|     A|
|null|    1|     B|
|null|    2|     C|

Is there a way to make sure the partition keys are stored w/in the parquet data? I don't want to require other processes to parse the paths to get the keys.

like image 865
Mark J Miller Avatar asked Apr 03 '17 19:04

Mark J Miller

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1 Answers

In case like this you should provide basePath option:

    .option("basePath", "hdfs://localhost:9000/ptest/")

which points to the root directory of your data.

With basePath DataFrameReader will be aware of the partitioning and adjust schema accordingly.

like image 112
zero323 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
