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Why is 'curve' so different from 'lines' and 'points' in R?

I would like to fit the frequency data with discrete generalized beta distribution (DGBD).

The data look like this:

freq = c(1116, 2067, 137 ,  124, 643,  2042, 55  ,47186,  7504, 1488, 211,   1608,   
         3517 , 7  , 896  ,  378, 17 ,3098, 164977  ,  601 ,  196, 637, 149 , 44,2 ,  1801, 882   , 636,5184,  1851,  776 ,   343   , 851, 33  ,4011,   209,  715 , 
         937 , 20,   6922, 2028 , 23,  3045 , 16 , 334,  31 ,  2)

Rank = rank(-freq, ties.method = c("first") )
p = freq/sum(freq)

get the log forms

log.f = log(freq)
log.p = log(p)
log.rank = log(Rank)
log.inverse.rank = log(length(Rank)+1-Rank)

linear regression of the discrete generalized beta distribution

co=coef(lm(log.p~log.inverse.rank + log.rank))
zmf = function(x) exp(co[[1]]+ co[[2]]*log(length(x)+1-x) + co[[3]]*log(x))


plot(p~Rank, xlim = c(1, 80), log = "xy",xlab = "Rank (log)", ylab = "Probability (log)")
curve(zmf, col="blue", add = T)
lines(zmf(xx)~xx, col = "red")
points(zmf(xx)~xx, col = "purple")

enter image description here

Figure 1. the plot looks like this

My question is what is the right way to demonstrate the result? lines (points) or curve?


Although I have not figured out the underling logic, the solution is found:

@Frank reminds me to notice the trick of setting the length of n in the curve. It solves the problem. Thus, n in curve is necessary when we try to fit the raw data. Although in many situations, n is ignored.

plot(p~Rank, log = "xy",xlab = "Rank (log)", ylab = "Probability (log)")
curve(zmf, col="blue", add = T, n = length(Rank)) # set the the number of x values at which to evaluate.

enter image description here

 Figure 2 The right way to use curve: specify the 'n'

like image 620
Frank Wang Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 02:03

Frank Wang

People also ask

What does curve () do in R?

curve() function in R Language is used to draw a curve for the equation specified in the argument.

How do you plot multiple curves on the same graph in R?

To draw multiple curves in one plot, different functions are created separately and the curve() function is called repeatedly for each curve function. The call for every other curve() function except for the first one should have added an attribute set to TRUE so that multiple curves can be added to the same plot.

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1 Answers

The reason you need to specify the n here is because your function depends on length(x)!

zmf = function(x) exp(co[[1]]+ co[[2]]*log(length(x)+1-x) + co[[3]]*log(x))

Here the length of the x's provided to your function by curve is n!

Here is your plot if you stick with the default n=101 but feed your line and points with a vector xx of length 101:

plot(p~Rank, xlim = c(1,80), log = "xy",xlab = "Rank (log)", ylab = "Probability (log)")
curve(zmf, col="blue", add = T)
lines(zmf(xx)~xx, col = "red")
points(zmf(xx)~xx, col = "purple")

enter image description here

Neither voodoo nor bug ! :)

like image 72
plannapus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
