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Why is COM (Component Object Model) language-independent?




I know that COM provides reusability at the binary level across languages and applications. I read that all components built for COM must adhere to a standard memory layout in order to be language-independent.

I do not understand what "standard memory layout" means.

What makes COM language-independent?

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Ashish Avatar asked Jan 09 '10 09:01


1 Answers

First, some technical background: C++ compilers usually generate something called a "vtable" for any class with virtual functions. This is basically a table of function pointers. The vtable contains a function pointer to every virtual method implemented by a class.

In COM, interfaces are basically abstract base classes which a component implements, e.g.:

class CSomeComponent : IUnknown, ISomeOtherInterface  { ... };

The vtable for CSomeComponent will include function pointers for all methods defined in these two interfaces.

struct __imaginary_vtable_for_CSomeComponent
    // methods required by IUnknown
    HRESULT (*QueryInterface)( const IID& iid, void** ppv );
    ULONG (*AddRef)();
    ULONG (*Release)();
    // methods required by ISomeOtherInterface
    void (*foo)();

Any instantiated object has a reference to the vtable of its dynamic type. This is how the program knows how to call the proper method in cases where a base method is overridden in a derived class:

class Base
    virtual void foo() { ... }

class Derived : public Base
    virtual void foo() { ... }  // overrides Base::foo()
    virtual void bar() { ... }


Base* X = new Derived;

The last line should call Derived::foo. This works because object X has a reference to the vtable for class Derived. As said, the vtable is like a list of function pointers. Now, vtables have a fixed layout: If class Derived inherits from class Base, the function pointer for method foo will be at the same relative location in Derived's vtable than in Base's vtable:

struct __imaginary_vtable_for_Base
    void (*foo)();

// __imaginary_vtable_for_Base::foo = Base::foo

struct __imaginary_vtable_for_Derived
    void (*foo)();
    void (*bar)();

// __imaginary_vtable_for_Derived::foo = Derived::foo

Now, if the compiler sees something like X->foo(), it knows that all for all classes derived from Base, method foo corresponds to the first entry in the vtable. So it issues a call to the first function pointer, which in X's case is a call to Derived::foo.

Answer to your question: Compilers can only generate COM components if they generate the same layout for vtables that the COM specification demands. vtables can be implemented in various different ways, especially when it comes to multiple inheritance (which is required with COM components). Adhering to a certain vtable format is necessary so that when you call a component's method f, you will actually call method f and not some other method g which happens to sit at f's position in the component class's vtable. I suppose COM-compliant compilers essentially have to produce the same vtable layouts as Microsoft Visual C++, since the COM technology was defined by Microsoft.

P.S.: Sorry for being so technical, I hope the above information is of some use to you.

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2 revs Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

2 revs