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why identifier of a wrapper class object does not work as a reference variable

My question involves wrapper classes. I know that when we store a primitive type literal by using wrapper classes, we are storing it as a object of that wrapper class so object's identifier will be a reference variable (somehow like a pointer in c++). For instance, in Integer wi = new Integer("56"), wi is a reference variable. But if that is true:

  1. Why can I do wi++ or wi +=2? Why does compiler deal with those reference variables like normal primitive variables? Doesn't a reference variable store reference of a object?

  2. Given Integer wi = new Integer("56") and int pi = 56, why does (wi == pi) returns true. Isn't wi supposed to store a reference (address)?

And another question: When a reference variable is passed to a method as parameter it counts as passing by reference so the modifiction that happens to that reference variable should affect it's value but it doesn't:

public class Main {
  void show(Integer x){
    x *=100 ;

  void goo(int x){
    x *=100 ;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Main mn = new Main() ;
    Integer wi = new Integer("86");
    int pi = 86 ;

    System.out.println(pi); //output = 86

    System.out.println(wi); //output = 86, shouldn't it be 8600?
like image 812
Cid Avatar asked Aug 23 '13 12:08


1 Answers

the statement mn.goo(pi) passes the copy of value 86 while mn.show(wi) passes the copy of reference variable which holds the same object.

  1. why can i do this? wi++ or wi +=2 .i mean why does compiler deal with those reference vriables like normal primitve variables?(doesn't a reference variable store reference of a object?)

Because of the concept of autoboxing and auto-unboxing, wi is converted to primitive, incremented, then then converted back to Wrapper

2.or if we have==>" Integer wi = new Integer("56") " and "int pi = 56" . why does (wi == pi) returns true. isn't wi supposed to store refernce (address)

This is because for Integer wrapper classes, the == will return true for the value till 128. This is by design

For your doubts regarding passign primitives and object references, Please study these programs

class PassPrimitiveToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        int a = 5;
        System.out.println("Before Passing value to modify() a = " + a);
        PassPrimitiveToMethod p = new PassPrimitiveToMethod();
        System.out.println("After passing value to modify() a = " + a);
        // the output is still the same because the copy of the value is passed to the method and not the copy of the bits like in refrence variables
        // hence unlike the reference variables the value remains unchanged after coming back to the main method


    void modify(int b)
        b = b + 1;
        System.out.println("Modified number  b = " + b);
        // here the value passed is the copy of variable a
        // and only the copy is modified here not the variable 


The output is

Before Passing value to modify() a = 5
Modified number  b = 6
After passing value to modify() a = 5

Passing object reference to method

class PassReferenceToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        Dimension d = new Dimension(5,10);
        PassReferenceToMethod p = new PassReferenceToMethod();
        System.out.println("Before passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        p.modify(d);            // pass the d reference variable
        System.out.println("After passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        // the value changes because we are passing the refrence only which points to the single and same object
        // hence the values of the object are modified 

    void modify(Dimension dim)
        dim.height = dim.height + 1;


The output is

class PassReferenceToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        Dimension d = new Dimension(5,10);
        PassReferenceToMethod p = new PassReferenceToMethod();
        System.out.println("Before passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        p.modify(d);            // pass the d reference variable
        System.out.println("After passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        // the value changes because we are passing the refrence only which points to the single and same object
        // hence the values of the object are modified 

    void modify(Dimension dim)
        dim.height = dim.height + 1;


The output is

Before passing the reference d.height = 10
After passing the reference d.height = 11
like image 122
Prasad Kharkar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Prasad Kharkar