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Antlr token priority




I have a rule definition like this:

reference: volume':'first_page'-'last_page ;

volume: INTEGER;
first_page: INTEGER;
last_page: INTEGER;

INTEGER: [0-9]+;


fragment NON_SPACE : ~[ \r\n\t];

Given the input "168:321-331", I thought it would match the reference rule. But in reality, the whole string is tokenized as a FREE_TEXT_WORD.

How can I make the INTEGER token take preference over FREE_TEXT_WORD in this case?


like image 322
Wudong Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 15:08


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1 Answers

ANTLR will always use a longer token over a shorter token, so to correct this situation you must do one of the following things:

  1. Make the FREE_TEXT_WORD not match more than 3 characters for the input 168:321-331, e.g. by not allowing it to contain a digit, or possibly removing the rule altogether.

    • You could also change FREE_TEXT_WORD to FREE_TEXT_CHARACTER. By limiting the rule to only matching a single character, it will never be longer than another token so its priority will be determined by its position in the grammar. You would then need to create a parser rule for words:

      freeTextWord : FREE_TEXT_CHARACTER+;
  2. Move the FREE_TEXT_WORD token into a mode which is not enabled at the point where your input reaches 168:321-331.

like image 57
Sam Harwell Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Sam Harwell