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Why got Firebug removed after updating Firefox to version 50?

After updating Firefox to version 50.0 my Firebug opens the default developer tools. The original Firebug doesn't work anymore.

I have always preferred Firebug as my default debugging tool. I want the original Firebug back in Firefox 50. How can I do that?

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Nikunj Chotaliya Avatar asked Nov 22 '16 14:11

Nikunj Chotaliya

People also ask

Is Firebug removed from Firefox?

The Firebug web development tool, an open source add-on to the Firefox browser, is being discontinued after 12 years, replaced by Firefox Developer Tools.

Is Firebug no longer available?

Firebug is a discontinued free and open-source web browser extension for Mozilla Firefox that facilitated the live debugging, editing, and monitoring of any website's CSS, HTML, DOM, XHR, and JavaScript.

How do I enable Firebug in Firefox?

Installing Firebug It takes a while and asks you to restart the Firefox browser. Once rebooted, click on Firebug under Firefox(top left corner of your Firefox browser) > Web developer. At this stage firebug is not activated. If you click that icon, Firebug will get activated.

2 Answers

Firebug does not work anymore once multi-process Firefox (separate processes for the Firefox UI and the websites) is enabled. See the related post in the Firebug blog.

You may be able to reenable Firebug by setting the preferences browser.tabs.remote.autostart, browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1 and browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 to false via about:config. Though at some point this preference will be removed.

So, you are advised to use the Firefox DevTools instead. I am writing a migration guide on MDN. Firebug features that are not in the DevTools are covered in a Firefox bug.

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Sebastian Zartner Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10

Sebastian Zartner

First remove new version of "firebug" and download old version of "Firebug(2.0.17)" from following URL:


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Chandra Bhushan Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10

Chandra Bhushan