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:nth-letter pseudo-element is not working [closed]




as I build a site for my bakery I would like to make a fancy headline triggering the color for each letter. So I could make use of span but this is exhausting. I wanted to use :first-letter or respectively :first-char but nothing works. Does anyone of you have an idea how to do it?

Thanks and Saludos!

h4 {
  font-size: 100px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  margin-top: 0;
  padding: 0px;
  font-family: "Tangerine", cursive;
  font-weight: normal;

h4:nth-letter(2) {
  color: #06c !important;

h4:nth-letter(3) {
  color: #c9c !important;
like image 908
Michael Schwark Avatar asked Jul 11 '14 20:07

Michael Schwark

People also ask

What is the nth-of-type pseudo-class?

The :nth-of-type() pseudo-class represents an element that has an+b siblings with the same expanded element name before it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent element.

Is nth child a pseudo-element?

Pseudo-class :nth-child()The :nth-child() pseudo-class represents an element that has an+b siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element.

What's the difference between the nth-of-type () and Nth child () selectors?

The nth-of-type is very similar to the nth-child pseudo-class. The main difference is that it specifically considers the type of the element getting selected before checking any other logic. Let's use our example from above but apply nth-of-type instead.

How do you select the second letter in CSS?

No, there is no selector for second or third letter, in Selectors Level 3 or even as planned in the Selectors Level 4 draft. (If there even will be such selectors, they will most probably follow the patter of :nth-child(...) .) What you can do is to wrap the letters in text-level containers, e.g.

2 Answers

There is no :nth-letter pseudo-element (and no :first-char) in CSS. The :first-letter pseudo-element (which the question mentions in the title and in the prose but does not use in the code) works, but to color other letters, you must wrap each of them in an element of its own, normally span.

like image 180
Jukka K. Korpela Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Jukka K. Korpela

You must be using the js nth-everything-css to enable your browser to support nth-letter feature.

Here's some information on the nth-everything concept (or wish-list), and here (more importantly) is a concrete implementation and example of some of those wishes.

Here's the code from codepen (somewhat mooshed) but working.


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://nt4.com/js/jquery"></script>
(function($) {
  $.fn.nthEverything = function() {
    var styleSuffix = "-nthEvery",
      cssPattern = /\s*(.*?)\s*\{(.*?)\}/g,
      cssComments = /\s*(?!<")\/\*[^\*]+\*\/(?!")\s*/gm,
      partsPattern = /([^:]+)/g,
      nthPattern = /(\w*)-(\w*)(\((even|odd|[\+-n\d]{1,6})\))?/,
      count, parsedStyleMap = {}, genCSS = '',
      runPeriods = function(period, className, a, length, offset) {
        var inBy = 0, sAt = Number(period), n, zB, zE, bF, eF, oldN = -1;
        if (period === 'odd' || period === 'even') {
          sAt = (period === 'odd') ? 1 : 2;
          inBy = 2;
        } else if (/^\d+$/.test(period)) {
          sAt = period - offset, inBy = 0;
        } else {
          zB = (/^(\+|-)?\d+/).exec(period);
          zE = (/(\+|-)?\d+$/).exec(period);
          sAt = (zE) ? Number(zE[0]) : 1;
          inBy = (zB) ? Number(zB[0]) : 1;
          bF = (zB) ? zB.length - 1 : 0;
          eF = (zE) ? zE.length : 0;
          if ((period.substr(bF, period.length - eF - bF).charAt(0)) === '-')
            inBy *= -1;
        // Start index at 0;
        for (n = --sAt; n < length; n += inBy) {
          if (n < 0 || n === oldN) break;
          if (a[n] == null) a[n] = className;
          else a[n] += " " + className;
          oldN = n;
      }, createSpan = function(className, content) {
        return '<span class="' + className + '">' + content + '</span>';
      }, processPeriod = function(classNames, textArray) {
        var newText = '', n, className;
        for (n = 0; n < classNames.length; n++) {
          className = classNames[n];
          if (className == null) newText += textArray[n];
          else newText += createSpan(className, textArray[n]);
        return newText;
      }, prepareTxt = {
        letter: function(text) {
          return text.split('');
      }, pseudoFunc = {
        first: {}, last: {}, nth: {
          letter: function(period) {
            return period;
      }, loopRecursive = function(contents, allText, parsedStyle) {
        var func = parsedStyle.func,
          text, length, classNames, className, cat, period;
        contents.each(function() {
          if (this.nodeType === 1) {
            loopRecursive($(this).contents(), allText, parsedStyle);
          } else if (this.nodeType === 3) {
            text = prepareTxt[func](this.nodeValue);
            length = text.length;
            classNames = new Array(length);
            for (var i = 0; i < parsedStyle.period.length; i++) {
              className = parsedStyle.className[i];
              cat = parsedStyle.cat[i];
              period = parsedStyle.period[i];
              runPeriods(pseudoFunc[cat][func](period, allText, length), className, classNames, length, count);
            $(this).replaceWith(processPeriod(classNames, text));
            count += length;
        return count;
      }, parse = function(css) {
        var matches, nthMatch, nthFound = false,
          i, thisPeriod, selectors, style, selector, parts, nth, pseudo, cat, func, period, normSelector, ident, className;
        css = css.replace(cssComments, '').replace(/\n|\r/g, '');
        while ((matches = cssPattern.exec(css)) !== null) {
          selectors = matches[1].split(',');
          style = matches[2];
          for (i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
            selector = selectors[i];
            parts = selector.match(partsPattern);
            selector = parts.shift();
            nth = parts.shift();
            pseudo = (parts.length !== 0) ? ':' + parts.join(':') : '';
            if ((nthMatch = nthPattern.exec(nth)) !== null) {
              nthFound = true;
              cat = nthMatch[1];
              func = nthMatch[2];
              period = (nthMatch[4] != null) ? nthMatch[4] : cat + func;
              normSelector = selector.replace('#', 'id').replace('.', 'class');
              ident = normSelector + func;
              className = normSelector + cat + func + period + styleSuffix;
              if ((thisPeriod = parsedStyleMap[ident]) != null) {
              } else {
                parsedStyleMap[ident] = {
                  element: selector,
                  func: func,
                  className: [className],
                  cat: [cat],
                  period: [period],
                  style: [style],
                  pseudo: [pseudo]
            } else if (nthFound === true) {
              genCSS += selector + "{" + style + "}";
      }, applyStyles = function() {
        var id, parsedStyle, b;
        for (id in parsedStyleMap) {
          parsedStyle = parsedStyleMap[id];
          func = parsedStyle.func;
          $(parsedStyle.element).each(function() {
            var $this = $(this); count = 0;
            loopRecursive($this.contents(), $this.text(), parsedStyle);
          for (b = 0; b < parsedStyle.className.length; b++)
            genCSS += "." + parsedStyle.className[b] + parsedStyle.pseudo[b] + "{" + parsedStyle.style[b] + "}";
        $('<style>' + genCSS + '</style>').appendTo('head');
    $('link[rel=stylesheet],style').each(function() {
      if ($(this).is('link')) $.get(this.href).success(function(css) { parse(css); });
      else parse($(this).text());
    }); applyStyles();
$(function() {
<p id="letters">Hover a red letter. Cool, hu?</p>
like image 11
Flavien Volken Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10

Flavien Volken