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Why getDerivedStateFromProps is called after setState?

React introduced new static method getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) which is called before every render method, but why? Calling it after prop change makes sense to me but after setState it doesn't, maybe I am missing something.

I was creating a datePicker Component according to my company requirement, in the component date is controlled from the prop. I have the following state in the component.

selectedDate: number; selectedMonth: number; selectedYear: number; currentMonth: number; currentYear: number; view: string; 

selected represents selected date which is derived from date prop and currentMonth and currentYear represents month and year in the current calendar view.

If date from prop changes selected*, currentMonth and currentYear should be changed accordingly. For that, I am using getDerivedStateFromProps but let say user clicks on Month name which will switch calendar view to month (instead of dates name of the month will be shown), the function updates the currentMonth for this using setState, but date the prop is same as before (containing previous month) which should, but getDerivedStateFromProps is called and currentMonth is again as same as before instead of changing.

Right I creating an extra variable in state to track if getDerivedStateFromProps is called due to setState but I don't think that's the right way.

Either I am doing something wrong or missing something or getDerivedStateFromProps should not be called after setState. Probably I am doing something wrong.

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mukuljainx Avatar asked Jun 25 '18 09:06


People also ask

Does setState call getDerivedStateFromProps?

Whenever the state is update via setState method, getDerivedStateFromProps is also executed even if the props have not changed.

What is the use of getDerivedStateFromProps?

ReactJS – getDerivedStateFromProps() Method This method is called before the rendering or before any updation of the component. This method is majorly used to update the state, before the rendering of the component, which depends upon the props received by the component.

Is render called after setState?

Within the lifecycle, these are the scenarios where render is called: After the React component is first instantiated, following the constructor() call. After an update to the component's props. After a setState() call.

Is componentDidMount called after setState?

componentDidMount gets executed only once, when the React component is mounted to the tree, that's why it is not called after setState . So you need componentDidUpdate, this callback gets executed on every rerender except for the initial one. For the initial one you may want to use componentDidMount.

1 Answers

The way getDerivedStateFromProps hook works whenever the new props, setState, and forceUpdate is being received.

In the version of 16.3, React is not affecting getDerivedStateFromProps whenever the setState is being used. But they improved it in the version starting with 16.4, so whenever the setState is being called the getDerivedStateFromProps is being hooked.

Here's extracted image from React lifecycle diagram:


enter image description here


enter image description here

So, it's up to you when to hook the getDerivedStateFromProps by checking props and states properly. Here's an example:

static getDerivedStateFromProps (props, state) {   // check your condition when it should run?   if(props.currentMonth != state.currentMonth) {     return {       currentMonth: state.currentMonth     }   }   // otherwise, don't do anything   else {    return null   } } 
like image 87
Bhojendra Rauniyar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Bhojendra Rauniyar