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In React, how to format a number with commas?



My API is sending React integers like 10, 31312, 4000.

In my React component, what's the right way to format these numbers like so:

from: 10, 31312, 4000
to: 10, 31,312, 4,000


The number is being provided by my Rails API and rendered in a React component:

const RankingsList = ({rankings, currentUserId}) => {
  return (
      <div className="listGroup">
        {rankings.map((ranking, index) =>
            <span className="number">{ranking.points}</span>
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AnApprentice Avatar asked Jun 27 '17 15:06


People also ask

How do you format numbers in JavaScript?

JavaScript numbers can be formatted in different ways like commas, currency, etc. You can use the toFixed() method to format the number with decimal points, and the toLocaleString() method to format the number with commas and Intl. NumberFormat() method to format the number with currency.

4 Answers

Print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript

You can find a general JS solution for this:


// A more complex example:  number.toLocaleString(); // "1,234,567,890"  // A more complex example:  var number2 = 1234.56789; // floating point example number2.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits:2}) // "1,234.57" 

NumberFormat (Safari not supported):

var nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(); nf.format(number); // "1,234,567,890" 

source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32154217/6200607

var number = 1234567890; // Example number to be converted

⚠ Mind that javascript has a maximum integer value of 9007199254740991

Other Solution:


2345643.00 will return 2,345,643.00

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hassan ketabi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

hassan ketabi

I have a class which converts a number to either 31,312 or 31,312.00.

The code is pretty much;

return value.toLocaleString(navigator.language, { minimumFractionDigits: 2 });


return value.toLocaleString(navigator.language, { minimumFractionDigits: 0 });

So you can just use toLocaleString for converting.


Based on your example, it would be (assuming points is a number);

const RankingsList = ({rankings, currentUserId}) => {   return (       <div className="listGroup">         {rankings.map((ranking, index) =>             <span className="number">{ranking.points.toLocaleString(navigator.language, { minimumFractionDigits: 0 })}</span>         )}       </div>   ); }; 

However, you might want to just move this into a smaller component called NumberDisplay and a property to show/hide decimal points'

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Tim B James Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Tim B James

  export const formatNumber = inputNumber => {
    let formetedNumber=(Number(inputNumber)).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');
    let splitArray=formetedNumber.split('.');

Please note that I am ignoring the decimal points

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Vikram Kodag Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Vikram Kodag

React component to format numbers in an input or as text: react-number-format

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paprika Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
