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Why file is named catalina.out?


in contrast to other logs file


has different extension. I have check logging.properties and found nothing about .out. Why and where this is set? Thanks.

like image 778
user710818 Avatar asked Nov 14 '11 09:11


People also ask

What is a Catalina out file?

The catalina.out log messages and log files communicate events and conditions that affect Tomcat server's operations. Logs for all identity applications components including OSP and Identity Reporting are also logged to the catalina.out file.

How is Catalina out created?

Confluence uses Tomcat's default logging configuration. This configuration means: catalina. out gets all output from stdout and stderr via ConsoleHandler, and also logs from bootstrap step when you start or stop Confluence.

What is the difference between Catalina out and Catalina log?

Catalina. out contains almost everything in the log including something more. It might be useful to post the config files, the tomcat version of the log4j in conf and also your applications config of log4j usually in root of your webapp's classpath.

1 Answers

Catalina.out simply contains everything that is written to Tomcat's "System.out" and "System.err".

The name "catalina.out" comes from the catalina.sh script that is conventionally used to launch Tomcat. If you want to change the name ... or do something funky with your out/err streams ... you can hack the script, or replace it with an alternative launch script.

The origin of the name "Catalina" is explained here.

I have check logging.properties and found nothing about .out.

The redirection of the standard output / error streams to catalina.out happens in the catalina.sh script.

like image 129
Stephen C Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Stephen C