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Why doesn't my process terminate when Task has unhandled exception?

I am building a Windows Service with .NET 4.0.

I have various unhandled exceptions thrown in Tasks, but they do not terminate my process as the MSDN documentation states (Parallel Tasks - see Unobserved Task Exceptions).

"If you don't give a faulted task the opportunity to propagate its exceptions (for example, by calling the Wait method), the runtime will escalate the task's unobserved exceptions according to the current .NET exception policy when the task is garbage-collected."

It behaves like this even when I use the most simple invokation of a task:

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { throw new Exception(); } 

The service keeps on running fine when that is called.

According to the docs, the finalizer of the Task will rethrow the exception once the Task is GC'd but this does not appear to happen. MSDN states repeatedly that normal ".NET exception policy" results in process termination.

Why doesn't this terminate my app? The only thing I can think is there is somehow a reference to the task held somewhere (is it the lambda??)

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Jack Ukleja Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 12:08

Jack Ukleja

People also ask

What happens when an unhandled exception occurs?

An unhandled exception occurs when the application code does not properly handle exceptions. For example, When you try to open a file on disk, it is a common problem for the file to not exist. The . NET Framework will then throw a FileNotFoundException.

Which event is used for unhandled exceptions?

asax and the Application_Error event handler to execute code when an unhandled exception occurs.

2 Answers

From Essential C# 4.0, page 715, the following might help you out:

The unhandled exception during the Task's execution will be suppressed until a call to one of the task completion members: Wait(), Result,Task.WaitAll(), or Task.WaitAny(). Each ot these members will throw any unhandled exceptions that occurred within the task's execution.

Quite a few ways of handling exceptions are available. Have a look at MSDN here.

In answer to your comment, another quote from the same book explains why some exceptions are not propagated:

Although relatively rare, one of the exceptions for the general rule (of bubbling up) happens to be on Task. [..] Any Task-based exceptions thrown from the finalization queue during application exit will go suppressed. The behavior is set this way because frequently the effor to handle such an exception it too complex [...]

To overcome this, one way to do this elegantly is to create an exception handler task and to use ContinueWith to follow up after your task runs. You can then use parentTask.IsFaulted and gracefully crash, even in the event the exception is thrown in the finalization queue during application exit.

Tip: use the the flag OnlyOnFaulted to have this task run only when an exception occurs.

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Abel Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11


.NET 4.5 made some changes as to how UnobservedExceptions are handled

While unobserved exceptions will still cause the UnobservedTaskException event to be raised (not doing so would be a breaking change), the process will not crash by default.

This behavior can be configured though, so you can revert back to .Net 4.0 behavior by enabling ThrowUnobservedTaskExceptions like so:

        <ThrowUnobservedTaskExceptions enabled="true"/> 

It's recommended library developers enable this when testing to ensure they don't have any UnobservedExceptions being thrown. Otherwise library consumers with this setting enabled might see their programs crashing.

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Jack Ukleja Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Jack Ukleja