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Why does wrapping this in a function take 10x longer to run?



Can anyone explain why the time jumps by an order of magnitude simply by wrapping this in a function?

user> (time (loop [n 0 t 0]
              (if (= n 10000000)
                (recur (inc n) (+ t n)))))
"Elapsed time: 29.312145 msecs"

user> (defn tl [r] (loop [n 0 t 0]
                    (if (= n r)
                      (recur (inc n) (+ t n)))))
#<Var@54dd6004: #object[user$eval3462$tl__3463 0x7d8ba46 "user$eval3462$tl__3463@7d8ba46"]>

user> (time (tl 10000000))
"Elapsed time: 507.333844 msecs"

I'm curious how a simply iteration like this can be made much faster. For example, a similar iterative loop in C++ takes less than 1 ms in Release mode, or about 20 ms in Debug mode on the same system as this Clojure code.

like image 929
johnbakers Avatar asked May 18 '16 11:05


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1 Answers

This happens because in second case passed argument is being boxed. Add type hint to fix this:

user> (defn tl [^long r]
  (loop [n 0 t 0]
    (if (= n r)
      (recur (inc n) (+ t n)))))

user> (time (tl 10000000))
"Elapsed time: 20.268396 msecs"


1, 2) In the first case you operate with java primitives, that's why it's so fast. ^Integer won't work here, because it's type hint for boxed type java.lang.Integer (that's why it's capitalized). ^long is type hint exactly for java long primitive. For function parameters you may do only ^long and ^double primitive type hints (others are not supported besides of these you may do type hints for all kinds of primitive arrays, like ^floats, ^bytes etc.).

3) Since passed argument is boxed this forces generic aritmethics for all operations. In other words, every + and inc operation will create new object on heap (in case of primitives, they will remain on stack).

UPD 2:

As an alternative to type hinting you may explicitly convert passed argument to primitive before the loop:

user> (defn tl [r]
  (let [r (long r)]
    (loop [n 0 t 0]
      (if (= n r)
        (recur (inc n) (+ t n))))))

user> (time (tl 10000000))
"Elapsed time: 18.907161 msecs"
like image 173
OlegTheCat Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
