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Errors extending a Java Interface in Clojure



I have a basic Java interface defined as follows:

public interface Action {
    void execute(Metadata var1, Parameter var2);

I'm trying to extend it in Clojure but keep getting errors. After importing the class into my namespace, I've tried using reify as follows:

(defn action [action-fn]
  (reify Action
    (execute [metadata parameter] (action-fn metadata parameter))))

but that throws a compiler illegal argument exception:

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't define method not in interfaces: execute

Next I tried using proxy

(defn action [action-fn]
  (proxy [Action] []
    (execute [metadata parameter] (action-fn metadata parameter))))

That compiles successfully, and my editor (IntelliJ + Cursive) navigates to the interface definition via a border decoration, but trying to invoke execute on a generate proxy fails:

(.execute (action (fn [_ _] "Test action")))

throws the following:

IllegalArgumentException No matching field found: execute for class

Finally I tried using deftype as follows:

(deftype cljAction [action-fn]
  (execute [metadata parameter] (action-fn metadata parameter)))

which throws the same compiler error as for reify, e.g:

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't define method not in interfaces: execute

Trawling through various blog posts and SO answers seems to suggest it's a problem with the arity of arguments, but I'm not sure how to resolve it. What am I doing wrong??

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Oliver Mooney Avatar asked Jan 20 '16 14:01

Oliver Mooney

2 Answers

You are missing the this reference from the function. So what you want is this:

(defn action [action-fn]
  (reify Action
    (execute [this metadata parameter] (action-fn metadata parameter))))

Obviously because you are not using it you can just call it _ or whatever makes the most sense in your opinion. When you are calling the function you want this:

(.execute (action action-fn) metadata parameter)

This differs slightly from when you are implementing a protocol. See https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/definterface for more information.

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ponzao Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09


ponzao's answer is correct. But note that Cursive can actually fill in the stubs for you: you can write (reify Action) and then (with the cursor in that form somewhere) choose Code->Generate... and choose to implement methods. Cursive will then fill in the stubs with the correct form. This currently only works when implementing interfaces, not protocols.

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Colin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
