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Why does wget give me two different total download times?

The last 3 lines of wget -i urls.txt:

FINISHED --2012-05-16 12:58:08--
Total wall clock time: 1h 56m 52s
Downloaded: 1069 files, 746M in 1h 52m 49s (113 KB/s)

There are two different times:

1h 56m 52s
1h 52m 49s

Why are they different? What do they stand for?

like image 372
kev Avatar asked May 16 '12 05:05


1 Answers

Wall clock time or real time is the human perception of passage of time. That will be the time as a human user, what we will experience. In this case wget might have took less than the real time to finish its job, but the real time is the sum of time the software took to finish its real job and the time it was waiting for resources like hard disk, network etc.

like image 154
Unni Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
