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Why does Travis says "Your build exited with 1" when it appears to have succeeded?



Box Backup build 150 passed when built with GCC but failed with Clang.

However the last lines of output of the Clang job are:

The command "./runtest.pl ALL release" exited with 0.

Done. Your build exited with 1.

But if runtest.pl exited with status 0 then the whole build should have succeeded, because this is the last command in the travis.yml script command line:

script: ./bootstrap && ./configure && make && ./runtest.pl ALL debug && ./runtest.pl ALL release

Does anyone know what went wrong here and why?

like image 713
qris Avatar asked Aug 31 '15 19:08


1 Answers

OK, I found out why: the commit in question changed the travis.yml file to include two separate script commands. The second one succeeded but the first one failed, so the error was half-way down the log output instead of at the end.

like image 156
qris Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
