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Why does this method with an optional parameter not override the base class method?



The result is "a", but I want it to be "b". I want to know why, and how I can call doTest without arguments to print "b".

class AA {
    func doTest() {

class BB: AA {
    func doTest(_ different: Bool = true) {

let bObjc = BB()
like image 367
cadaverousblue Avatar asked Jun 19 '19 09:06


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1 Answers

Class BB does not override the method from AA, that means two methods exist on BB:

func doTest() // inherited
func doTest(_ different: Bool = true) // declared

When you call


the compiler has to choose one of them. And it prefers method without parameter over the method with a default parameter.

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Sulthan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
