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Why does this function get appended to my output when appending special characters



What is the proper way to "boldify" my text (convert normal characters) to corresponding special "Bold (serif)" symbols?

When I run it in my browser as boldify("Hello World!"), I expect:

"𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝!"

But I get (When ran inside google developer console in Opera):

"𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝!function(_0x3298c7,_0x4d4daa){return this[_0x543a('0x9f')](new RegExp(_0x3298c7,'g'),_0x4d4daa);}"

What is this javascript function string that gets appended at the end? Why does that happen?

The function:

function boldify(txt) {
  let input = txt;
  let bold_input = "";
  let font = {
    'q': [55349, 56362],
    'w': [55349, 56368],
    'e': [55349, 56350],
    'r': [55349, 56363],
    't': [55349, 56365],
    'z': [55349, 56371],
    'u': [55349, 56366],
    'i': [55349, 56354],
    'o': [55349, 56360],
    'p': [55349, 56361],
    'a': [55349, 56346],
    's': [55349, 56364],
    'd': [55349, 56349],
    'f': [55349, 56351],
    'g': [55349, 56352],
    'h': [55349, 56353],
    'j': [55349, 56355],
    'k': [55349, 56356],
    'l': [55349, 56357],
    'y': [55349, 56370],
    'x': [55349, 56369],
    'c': [55349, 56348],
    'v': [55349, 56367],
    'b': [55349, 56347],
    'n': [55349, 56359],
    'm': [55349, 56358],
    'Q': [55349, 56336],
    'W': [55349, 56342],
    'E': [55349, 56324],
    'R': [55349, 56337],
    'T': [55349, 56339],
    'Z': [55349, 56345],
    'U': [55349, 56340],
    'O': [55349, 56328],
    'P': [55349, 56334],
    'A': [55349, 56335],
    'S': [55349, 56338],
    'D': [55349, 56323],
    'F': [55349, 56325],
    'G': [55349, 56326],
    'H': [55349, 56327],
    'J': [55349, 56329],
    'K': [55349, 56330],
    'L': [55349, 56331],
    'Y': [55349, 56344],
    'X': [55349, 56343],
    'C': [55349, 56322],
    'V': [55349, 56341],
    'B': [55349, 56321],
    'N': [55349, 56333],
    'M': [55349, 56332],
    '1': [55349, 57295],
    '2': [55349, 57296],
    '3': [55349, 57297],
    '4': [55349, 57298],
    '5': [55349, 57299],
    '6': [55349, 57300],
    '7': [55349, 57301],
    '8': [55349, 57302],
    '9': [55349, 57303],
    '0': [55349, 57294]
  for (i in input) {
    let char = input[i];
    let char_code = font[char];
    if (char_code !== undefined) {
      let bold_char = String.fromCharCode(char_code[0], char_code[1]);
      bold_input += bold_char;
    } else {
      bold_input += char;
  return (bold_input);

console.log(boldify("Hello World!"))
like image 933
Vepir Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 10:03


1 Answers

Either don't use for(i in input) construct - the most direct replacement will be for ... of

for (const char of input) { ... }

... or check that it only processes characters, and not the other props of the string with...

for (i in input) if (input.hasOwnProperty(i)) { ... }

Otherwise it'll start collecting functions added to String prototype. The very first function - formatUnicorn in my case (Chrome) - is added to the output.

As a sidenote, the function can be greatly simplified. For example, the same number - 55349 - is used as the first character code for all the boldings; it's a waste of time and space adding it to each element of the 'mapping' array, as it can be inlined in String.fromCharCode(...) call.

But even an array is a bit of waste here: if you pay attention, you'll see that there are just three sequences - one for a-z, another for A-Z, and final for 0-9. These values should be stored, but not the intermediate ones.

Finally, you can target only the characters you have a replacement for with a simple regex.

For example (just a concept):

function _getAdditionalCode(char) {
  const charCode = char.charCodeAt(0);
  return charCode + (
     charCode >= 97 ? 56346 - 97 : // 'a'..'z'
     charCode >= 65 ? 56320 - 65 : // 'A'..'Z'
                      57294 - 48   // '0'..'9'

function boldify(txt) {
   return txt.replace(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/g, 
     ch => String.fromCharCode(55349, _getAdditionalCode(ch)));
like image 193
raina77ow Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 00:04
