This program:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive
unsafeModify :: [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())] -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
(mods !! 0) mvec
V.unsafeFreeze mvec
Compiles. This program:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes #-}
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive
unsafeModify :: [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())] -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
($ mvec) (mods !! 0)
V.unsafeFreeze mvec
Does not compile with the following error:
Couldn't match type ‘forall s1. UV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()’
with ‘UV.MVector s Int -> ST s a0’
Expected type: [UV.MVector s Int -> ST s a0]
Actual type: [forall s. UV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]
Relevant bindings include
mvec :: UV.MVector s Int (bound at Muts.hs:9:5)
In the first argument of ‘(!!)’, namely ‘mods’
In the first argument of ‘$ mvec’, namely ‘(mods !! 0)’
A compile error happens when the compiler reports something wrong with your program, and does not produce a machine-language translation.
Compiled bytecode, which is ran through an interpreter because Python is an interpreted language. Python is a compiled language. It just isn't compiled to a language for which a hardware implementation exists; it is executed by a virtual machine.
Compilation error refers to a state when a compiler fails to compile a piece of computer program source code, either due to errors in the code, or, more unusually, due to errors in the compiler itself. A compilation error message often helps programmers debugging the source code.
JavaScript is an interpreted language, not a compiled language. A program such as C++ or Java needs to be compiled before it is run. The source code is passed through a program called a compiler, which translates it into bytecode that the machine understands and can execute.
Note: This post is written in literate Haskell. You can save it as Unsafe.lhs and try it in your GHCi.
Let's compare the types of the different lines:
mods :: [(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())]
(mods !! 0) :: (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())
(mods !! 0) mvec :: forall s. ST s ()
($ mvec) :: (MV.Vector s Int -> b) -> b
(mods !! 0) :: (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())
($ mvec) (mods !! 0) :: ????????????????????????
They aren't equivalent due to $
's type:
($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Whereas you would need something along
($) :: (a ~ (forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())) =>
(a -> b) -> a -> b
which isn't legal.
However, let's have a look at what you actually want to do.
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
> import qualified Data.Vector as V
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Control.Monad.Primitive
unsafeModify :: ??? -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
> unsafeModify mods vec = runST $ do
> mvec <- V.unsafeThaw vec
> mapM_ ($ mvec) (mods !! 0)
> V.unsafeFreeze mvec
Things got messy due to unsafeModify
's polymorphic first argument mods
. Your original type
[(forall s . MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())]
tells us it is a list of functions, where every function is polymorphic the parameter s
, so every function could use another s
. However, that's too much. It's fine if the s
gets shared throuhgout the whole list:
(forall s. [MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()])
After all, we want to use all functions in the same ST
computation, therefore the type of the stream state token s
can be the same. We end up with
> unsafeModify :: (forall s. [MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]) -> V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Int
And now your code happily compiles, regardless of whether you use ($ mvec) (mods !! 0)
, (mods !! 0) mvec
or mapM_
, because s
is now correctly fixed by runST
throughout the whole list.
(This should probably be a comment, but I need more space.)
Sadly, impredicative types do not work very well in GHC, as @dfeuer pointed out. Consider this example:
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes, PartialTypeSignatures #-}
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad.ST
-- myIndex :: [forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]
-- -> Int
-- -> (forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ())
myIndex = (!!) :: [forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()] -> Int -> _
It compiles successfully, albeit with a warning due to the type hole:
VectorTest.hs:9:69: Warning:
Found hole ‘_’ with type: forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()
Relevant bindings include
myIndex :: [forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]
-> Int -> forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()
(bound at VectorTest.hs:9:1)
We could try to remove the PartialTypeSignatures
extension and fill the hole with its type forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()
. But this fails horribly:
Couldn't match type ‘forall s2. MV.MVector s2 Int -> ST s2 ()’
with ‘MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()’
Expected type: [forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()]
-> Int -> MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()
Actual type: [MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()]
-> Int -> MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()
The last forall
gets hoisted to the top-level, and now GHC infers that the first argument of (!!)
must a be a list of monomorphic elements [MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()]
despite our annotation! Basically, GHC has two choices:
-- Note the hoisted forall s1
myIndex = (!!) :: forall s1. [forall s. MV.MVector s Int -> ST s ()] -> Int
-- ^ first choice for instantiating the type of (!!)
-> MV.MVector s1 Int -> ST s1 ()
-- ^ second choice
GHC chooses the second, and fails. Only with a partial type signature I was able to remove the second choice so that GHC was forced to do the right thing.
If only we had explicit type application like in GHC Core, we could have written (!!) @ (forall s. ...)
, but alas we have not.
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