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Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank spaces?

Visual Studio is configured to show whitespace.

Press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W.

If you are using C# keyboard mappings: (thanks Simeon)

Press Ctrl+E, S.

If you want to use the menu: (thanks angularsen)

Edit > Advanced > View White Space

Looks like you have the view white space option enabled. Go to Edit -> Advanced -> and uncheck "View Whitespace"

In Visual Studio 2012
Go to
Edit -> Advanced -> View White Spaces
Press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W


use: ctrl+shift+8 to toggle on/off.

(or manualy go to: Edit> Advance > "View Whitespaces")


Works also for Visual Studio 2008, when Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard/Mapping Scheme: Visual C++ 6 is selected.

Please press below buttons in combination of Ctrl + R,W