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Why does the type of local variables that are values affect the type of input variables in the type signature of a function?



Prelude> func f = [(show s, f == s) | s <- [0, 1..10]]
Prelude> :type func
func :: (Num a, Enum a, Show a, Eq a) => a -> [(String, Bool)]

I would expect f to just be an instance of Eq a but all the class constraints applied to s are also applied to f for some reason. Replacing s with any constant removes the relevant type constraint for f, and replacing s in the equality removes all class constraints except Eq a for f.

Can someone explain to me why does the type of local variables that are values affect the type of input variables that are values?

like image 613
Anon Avatar asked Jul 27 '21 01:07


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1 Answers

Eq doesn't exist in a vacuum. To compare two things for equality, you have to have two things. And, crucially, those two things have to be of the same type. In Haskell, 0 == "A" isn't just false; it's a type error. It literally doesn't make sense.

f == s

When the compiler sees this, even if it knows nothing else about the types of f and s, it knows what (==) is. (==) is a function with the following signature.

(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

Both arguments are of the same type. So now and forevermore, for the rest of type-checking this expression, we must have f and s of the same type. Anything required of s is also required of f. And s takes values from [0, 1..10]. Your type constraints come as follows

  • Num is required since s takes values from a list of literal integers.
  • Enum is required by the [..] list enumeration syntax.
  • Show is required by show s.
  • Eq is required by the f == s equality expression.

Now, if we replace s with a constant, we get something like

func f = [(show s, f == 0) | s <- [0, 1..10]]

Now f is being compared with 0. It has no relation to s. f requires Eq (for (==)) and Num (since we're comparing against zero, a number). s, on the other hand, requires Enum, Num, Eq, and Show. In the abstract, this should actually be a type error, since we've given no indication as to which type s should be and there aren't enough clues to figure it out. But type defaulting kicks in and we'll get Integer out of it.

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Silvio Mayolo Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

Silvio Mayolo