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Why does std::random_device define its copy constructor as deleted?




The copy constructor for std::random_device is deleted, and I have no idea why.

The only note I found from the docs is:

2) The copy constructor is deleted: std::random_device is not copyable.

There doesn't seem to be a clear reason for why it is deleted. What is the reason behind this?

like image 856
Rakete1111 Avatar asked Aug 09 '16 21:08


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1 Answers

The reason why std::random_device is not copyable is that if it were, the copied instance may return exactly the same numbers as the original (this is implementation defined though)!

This is because (docs):

std::random_device may be implemented in terms of an implementation-defined pseudo-random number engine if a non-deterministic source (e.g. a hardware device) is not available to the implementation. In this case each std::random_device object may generate the same number sequence.

Some implementations will thus implement a PRNG. PRNGs are generally implemented with a seed value (and some other state), from which the "random" numbers are generated. By copying std::random_device, this will copy the seed value, along any other internal state that the generator uses to generate random numbers (which is implementation defined).

You would have 2 random devices, which are deterministic because they generate the same number sequence:

std::random_device device1;
std::random_device device2 = device1; //For demonstration purposes only

std::uniform_int_distribution dis{ 0, 10 };

int randomNumber1 = dis(device1);
int randomNumber2 = dis(device2);
//Note that "randomNumber1 == randomNumber2"! They use exactly the same random number
//generator with the same seed value, etc. -> Same numbers are generated!

The implementation might always use the same seed values for every std::random_device, which would mean that the same number sequence is generated every time for different random devices. Or it might use some non-deterministic source (taken from above):

In this case each std::random_device object may generate the same number sequence.

[...] if a non-deterministic source (e.g a hardware device) [...]

In those cases it doesn't matter that the random device is copyable (one would not think that the copy is in fact a copy), but it does matter where the implementation generates different values for different random devices using a PRNG.

Implementing the copy constructor (and the copy assignment operator) would break that assumption for the implementations that use a PRNG, and so it is deleted, to maintain the "randomness" of the numbers generated for every implementation (as long as the implementation allows it).

like image 64
Rakete1111 Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 03:12
