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Why does Pylint object to single-character variable names?

A little more detail on what gurney alex noted: you can tell Pylint to make exceptions for variable names which (you pinky swear) are perfectly clear even though less than three characters. Find in or add to your pylintrc file, under the [FORMAT] header:

# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma

Here pk (for the primary key), x, and y are variable names I've added.

Pylint checks not only PEP8 recommendations. It has also its own recommendations, one of which is that a variable name should be descriptive and not too short.

You can use this to avoid such short names:


Or tweak Pylint's configuration to tell Pylint what variable name are good.

In strongly typed languages, one-letter name variables can be ok-ish, because you generally get the type next to the name in the declaration of the variable or in the function / method prototype:

bool check_modality(string a, Mode b, OptionList c) {
    ModalityChecker v = build_checker(a, b);
    return v.check_option(c);

In Python, you don't get this information, so if you write:

def check_modality(a, b, c):
    v = build_checker(a, b)
    return v.check_option(c)

you're leaving absolutely no clue for the maintenance team as to what the function could be doing, and how it is called, and what it returns. So in Python, you tend to use descriptive names:

def check_modality(name, mode, option_list):
    checker = build_checker(name, mode)
    return checker.check_option(option_list)

And you even add a docstring explaining what the stuff does and what types are expected.

Nowadays there is also an option to override regexp. I.e., if you want to allow single characters as variables:

pylint --variable-rgx="[a-z0-9_]{1,30}$" <filename>

So, Pylint will match PEP8 and will not bring additional violations on top. Also you can add it to .pylintrc.

The deeper reason is that you may remember what you intended a, b, c, x, y, and z to mean when you wrote your code, but when others read it, or even when you come back to your code, the code becomes much more readable when you give it a semantic name. We're not writing stuff once on a chalkboard and then erasing it. We're writing code that might stick around for a decade or more, and be read many, many times.

Use semantic names. Semantic names I've used have been like ratio, denominator, obj_generator, path, etc. It may take an extra second or two to type them out, but the time you save trying to figure out what you wrote even half an hour from then is well worth it.

pylint now has good-names-rgxs, which adds additional regex patterns to allow for variable names.

The difference is that that variable-rgx will override any previous rules, whereas good-names-rgxs adds rules on top of existing rules. That makes it more flexible, because you don't need to worry about breaking previous rules.

Just add this line to pylintrc to allow 1 or 2 length variable names:


^          # starts with
[_a-z]     # 1st character required
[_a-z0-9]? # 2nd character optional
$          # ends with