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Why does my reduce based average function return NaN?

Trying to get the average of an array.

Array.prototype.average = function() {
    var sum = 0;
    this.reduce(function(a, b) {
        sum = a + b;
    return sum / this.length;

[2, 15, 7].average();

Why does the average function call return NaN?

like image 987
Amir Rahbaran Avatar asked Feb 08 '15 09:02

Amir Rahbaran

People also ask

Why is my function returning NaN?

NaN , which stands for "Not a Number", is a value that JavaScript returns from certain functions and operations when the result should be a number, but the result is not defined or not representable as a number. For example: parseInt() returns NaN if parsing failed: parseInt('bad', 10) Math.

Why is R returning a NaN?

In R, NaN stands for Not a Number. Typically NaN values occur when you attempt to perform some calculation that results in an invalid result.

Why do we show NaN?

In JavaScript, NaN stands for Not a Number. It represents a value which is not a valid number. It can be used to check whether a number entered is a valid number or not a number.

1 Answers

Your program didn't work because, a has the accumulated value from the previous function call. The first time, first two values of the array will be used. So sum will become 17 (2 + 15). Since you are not returning anything from the function, undefined will be returned, by default, and that will be used as the value for a, in the next call. So, the evaluation goes like this

a: 2,          b: 15   => 17
a: undefined,  b: 7    => NaN

So, sum will have NaN, since undefined + 7 makes it so. Any numeric operation on NaN, will always give NaN, that is why NaN / this.length, gives you NaN. You can fix your program, just by returning the current value of sum whenever the function is called, so that on the next function call, a will have proper accumulated value.

Array.prototype.average = function() {
    var sum = 0;
    this.reduce(function(a, b) {
        sum = a + b;
        return sum;
    return sum / this.length;

But we are not making use of the power and flexibility of reduce here. Here are two important points to consider when using reduce.

  1. reduce accepts a second parameter which says the initial value to be used. Whenever possible, specify that.

  2. The first parameter in the function passed to reduce accumulates the result and that will be returned finally, make use of that. No need to use a separate variable to keep track of the results.

So your code would look better like this

Array.prototype.average = function() {

    var sum = this.reduce(function(result, currentValue) {
        return result + currentValue
    }, 0);

    return sum / this.length;


console.log([2, 15, 7].average());
# 8

reduce actually works like this. It iterates through the array and passes the current value as the second parameter to the function and the current accumulated result as the first parameter and the value returned from the function will be stored in the accumulated value. So, the sum is actually found like this

result: 0 , currentValue: 2   => 2    (Initializer value `0`)
result: 2 , currentValue: 15  => 17
result: 17, currentValue: 7   => 24

Since it ran out of values from the array, 24 will be returned as the result of the reduce, which will be stored in sum.

like image 71
thefourtheye Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11
