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Grouping / counting in javascript using underscore.js

I am new to javascript (and to Stack Overflow) and I've encountered a problem I can't seem to solve. I am trying to generate a simple pie chart that shows the number of Projects for each value of Technology in my data. This is the kind of data I am working with:

  • [Project1, Java]
  • [Project2, Excel]
  • [Project3, SAS]
  • [Project4, Java]

The pie ratio in the example above would be 2:1:1.

The first part of my code loads the data and pushes it to an array, "techArray", that contains [project, tech]. This part works ok - I've verified it in a simplified version of the code.

I then want to group the array "techArray" and count the instances of each tech. To do so I'm using the Underscore library, as follows:

var chartData = [];
var techData = _.groupBy(techArray, 'tech');
_.each(techData, function(row) {
    var techCount = row.length;
    chartData = push( {
        name: row[0].tech,
        y: techCount

The script then renders the chartData array using highcharts. Again, I have verified that this section works using a simplified (ungrouped) version.

There must be an issue with the grouping/counting step outlined above because I am seeing no output, but I simply can't find where. I am basing my solution on the following worked example: Worked example.

If anyone can spot the error in what I've written, or propose another way of grouping the array, I'd be very grateful. This seems like it should be a simpler task than it's proving to be.

like image 764
jdmarlon Avatar asked Aug 04 '14 13:08


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Adding Underscore to a Node. Once added, underscore can be referred in any of the Node. js modules using the CommonJS syntax: var _ = require('underscore'); Now we can use the object underscore (_) to operate on objects, arrays and functions.

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The _each method does exactly what it sounds like. It works on collections (arrays or objects), and will iterate over each element in the collection invoking the function you specified with 3 arguments (value, index, list) with index being replaced by key if used on an object.

Why underscore is used in JavaScript?

The Underscore. js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that help in the programming in a big way like the map, filter, invokes, etc even without using any built-in objects. The _. first() function is used to return the first element of the array, i.e. the number at the zeroth index.

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1 Answers

countBy could be used instead of groupBy:

var techArray = [
    { project: 'Project1', tech: 'Java'},
    { project: 'Project2', tech: 'Excel'},
    { project: 'Project3', tech: 'SAS'},
    { project: 'Project4', tech: 'Java'},

var counts = _.countBy(techArray,'tech');

This will return an object with the tech as properties and their value as the count:

{ Java: 2, Excel: 1, SAS: 1 }

To get the data in the form for highcharts use map instead of each:

var data = _.map(counts, function(value, key){
    return {
        name: key,
        y: value
like image 194
Gruff Bunny Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Gruff Bunny