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Why does my program's output flash and close in Windows?





I'm trying to build an .exe file for the K&R "Hello, world". The code given in the book is:

#include <stdio.h>  
    printf("Hello, world!\n");  

When I build & run from Code::Blocks (under Windows XP), I get the prompt window with the "hello world" message. It stays open until I close it manually. However, when I double click the .exe file, the prompt just flashes and disappears, why is that?

like image 610
JDelage Avatar asked Jun 26 '09 12:06


People also ask

Why does my Command Prompt pop up and close?

If the command prompt is popping up after a specific time then the most likely cause is the task scheduler. There are some Windows services and third-party applications that can make an indefinitely recurring task in your task scheduler.

Why C EXE file closes immediately?

The problem is quite common when starting to learn C/C++.. the reason is that console applications once finisher return from their main method, the associated console window automatically closes. This behavior has nothing to do with what your app does or not, or if the app is working well or not.

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Using 'system("pause");' before ending main() is the most common method. system("pause"); is the most common method to avoid.

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If your system is up to date and you still get flashing Command Prompt screen, it might be that your computer is infected with malicious software. Adware that is known to cause such issues is called Jogotempo.

1 Answers

No one is explicitly telling you this, so I will:

What you see when you double-click the file is normal. What your IDE does (keeping the window open) is a feature to help you debug the application.

Why is this so?

Since you're developing a console application, there has to be a console for your application to display its output on. If there is none yet, a new console is created (which is the black window).

If you launch your program from inside a console (say, from cmd.exe), it will just inherit the console of the parent without creating a new one[1].

After the last application using the console exits (which, in the first case is just your program), the console closes. You will notice this all the time for console applications that print nothing but a help text when run without parameters. If you double-click them from explorer, a black window with some text will flash and then immediately close.

  • Sometimes, a program that does something and them immediately closes is what you want. For example, you can call these applications from scripts.

  • On the other hand, your application could be interactive: waiting for user input, doing some thing, and only exiting when the user tells it to. You cannot script these applications, obviously, as you will need to have a human present at the keyboard to tell the application what to do.

Now we get to the IDE part: let's say you're developing an application of the first kind, one that does something and then immediately closes. It's not very convenient to have the screen flash and disappear every time you run it, because how can you tell if the program worked? Assuming you can tell this from the output it generates.

You could of course start a command-line window and run the application from there, but the program would execute separately from the IDE, and you would lose live debugging capabilities.

So, IDE makers came up with a feature for console applications: when you run the application directly from your IDE, they afterwards, usually waiting for a keypress. This gives you the opportunity to inspect the window with the output, to confirm that the application is working properly.

[1] Esoterica: unless you go through an application that does not inherit the console. Any console app launched by that application will not inherit the console, since the inheritance was broken by the GUI app. For example, start.exe does this. Compare:

foo.exe (inherits the console)
start foo.exe (start.exe is a GUI app, so foo.exe is launched in a new console)
like image 172
rix0rrr Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 02:10
