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Why does method signature have to perfectly match interface method



I began to learn Go and have trouble understanding the following:

package main

import "fmt"

type I interface {
    foo(interface {})

type S struct {}

func (s S) foo(i int) {

func main() {
    var i I = S{}

This fails with:

cannot use S literal (type S) as type I in assignment:
        S does not implement I (wrong type for foo method)
                have foo(int)
                want foo(interface {})

I don't understand why Go doesn't accept the foo(int) signature given the fact that int implements interface {}. Can anyone help with an explanation?

like image 817
kaspersky Avatar asked May 28 '16 23:05


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1 Answers

I think your understanding of interface isn't sound. Interface{} itself is a type. It consists of two things : underlying type and underlying value.

Golang doesn't have overloading. Golang type system matches by name and requires consistency in the types

So, when you are defining a function taking a interface type as a parameter:

foo(interface {})

This is a different function from a function taking int type:


So you should change the following line to

func (s S) foo(i interface{}) {

Or better yet to this:

type I interface {

type S struct {
    I int

func (s S) foo() {

func main() {
    var i I = S{2}
like image 151
khrm Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
