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Why does Integral constraint require fromIntegral on call to length?




I've just started programming in Haskell, and I am solving 99 Haskell problems, and when I was nearly done with 10th, I've encountered this problem:

-- Exercise 9
pack :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
pack [] = []
pack list = let (left,right) = span (== head list) list in
            left : pack right

-- Exercise 10        
encode :: (Eq a, Integral c) => [a] -> [(c, a)]
encode [] = []
encode list = map (\x -> (length x, head x)) (pack list)
-- this doesn't work      ^^^^^^^^

The error produced told me that

Could not deduce (c ~ Int)
from the context (Eq a, Integral c)
  bound by the type signature for
             encode :: (Eq a, Integral c) => [a] -> [(c, a)]
  at C:\fakepath\ex.hs:6:11-47
  `c' is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for
        encode :: (Eq a, Integral c) => [a] -> [(c, a)]
      at C:\fakepath\ex.hs:6:11
In the return type of a call of `length'
In the expression: length x
In the expression: (length x, head x) 

I've managed to fix that by inserting a function I've read about in Learn you a Haskell: fromIntegral.

encode list = map (\x -> (fromIntegral $ length x, head x)) (pack list)

So, my question is, why is that needed?

I've run :t length and got [a] -> Int, which is a pretty defined type for me, which should satisfy Integral c constraint.

like image 630
Bartek Banachewicz Avatar asked Jan 12 '23 17:01

Bartek Banachewicz

1 Answers

The type signature (Eq a, Integral c) => [a] -> [(c, a)] means the function works for any types a and c in the appropriate typeclasses. The actual type used is specified at the call site.

As a simple example, let's take a look at the type of the empty list:

:t []

What this means is that [] represents an empty list of String, and empty list of Int, an empty list of Maybe [Maybe Bool] and whatever other types you can imagine. We can imagine wrapping this in a normal identifier:

empty :: [a]
empty = []

empty obviously works the same way as []. So you can see that the following definition would make no sense:

empty :: [a]
empty = [True]

after all, [True] can never be a [Int] or [String] or whatever other empty list you want.

The idea here is the same, except we have typeclass constraints on the variables as well. For example, you can use encode to return a [(Integer, String)] list because Integer is also in the Integral class.

So you have to return something polymorphic that could be any Integral--just what fromIntegral does. If you just returned Int, encode would only be usable as an Int and not any Integral.

like image 102
Tikhon Jelvis Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 12:02

Tikhon Jelvis