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Why does getComputedStyle() in a JEST test return different results to computed styles in Chrome / Firefox DevTools


I've written a custom button (MyStyledButton) based on material-ui Button.

import React from "react"; import { Button } from "@material-ui/core"; import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/styles";  const useStyles = makeStyles({   root: {     minWidth: 100   } });  function MyStyledButton(props) {   const buttonStyle = useStyles(props);   const { children, width, ...others } = props;    return (        <Button classes={{ root: buttonStyle.root }} {...others}>         {children}       </Button>      ); }  export default MyStyledButton; 

It is styled using a theme and this specifies the backgroundColor to be a shade of yellow (Specficially #fbb900)

import { createMuiTheme } from "@material-ui/core/styles";  export const myYellow = "#FBB900";  export const theme = createMuiTheme({   overrides: {     MuiButton: {       containedPrimary: {         color: "black",         backgroundColor: myYellow       }     }   } });  

The component is instantiated in my main index.js and wrapped in the theme.

  <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>      <MyStyledButton variant="contained" color="primary">        Primary Click Me      </MyStyledButton>   </MuiThemeProvider> 

If I examine the button in Chrome DevTools the background-color is "computed" as expected. This is also the case in Firefox DevTools.

Screenshot from Chrome

However when I write a JEST test to check the background-color and I query the DOM node style òf the button using getComputedStyles() I get transparent back and the test fails.

const wrapper = mount(     <MyStyledButton variant="contained" color="primary">       Primary     </MyStyledButton>   );   const foundButton = wrapper.find("button");   expect(foundButton).toHaveLength(1);   //I want to check the background colour of the button here   //I've tried getComputedStyle() but it returns 'transparent' instead of #FBB900   expect(     window       .getComputedStyle(foundButton.getDOMNode())       .getPropertyValue("background-color")   ).toEqual(myYellow); 

I've included a CodeSandbox with the exact problem, the minimum code to reproduce and the failing JEST test.

Edit headless-snow-nyofd

like image 700
Simon Long Avatar asked Dec 18 '19 16:12

Simon Long

People also ask

What does the window getComputedStyle () method return?

The Window. getComputedStyle() method returns an object containing the values of all CSS properties of an element, after applying active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain.

How do you set a computed style?

To set or copy JavaScript computed style from one element to another, we can loop through each style and call the setProperty method to set the styles on the target element. to add a div and a section element. We define the copyNode function that takes the sourceNode and targetNode .

1 Answers

I've gotten closer, but not quite at a solution yet.

The main issue is that MUIButton injects a tag to the element to power the styles. This isn't happening in your unit test. I was able to get this to work by using the createMount that the material tests use.

After this fix, the style is correctly showing up. However, the computed style still doesn't work. It looks like others have run into issues with enzyme handling this correctly - so I'm not sure if it's possible.

To get to where I was, take your test snippet, copy this to the top, and then change your test code to:

const myMount = createMount({ strict: true });   const wrapper = myMount(     <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>       <MyStyledButton variant="contained" color="primary">         Primary       </MyStyledButton>     </MuiThemeProvider>   ); 
class Mode extends React.Component {   static propTypes = {     /**      * this is essentially children. However we can't use children because then      * using `wrapper.setProps({ children })` would work differently if this component      * would be the root.      */     __element: PropTypes.element.isRequired,     __strict: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,   };    render() {     // Excess props will come from e.g. enzyme setProps     const { __element, __strict, ...other } = this.props;     const Component = __strict ? React.StrictMode : React.Fragment;      return <Component>{React.cloneElement(__element, other)}</Component>;   } }  // Generate an enhanced mount function. function createMount(options = {}) {    const attachTo = document.createElement('div');   attachTo.className = 'app';   attachTo.setAttribute('id', 'app');   document.body.insertBefore(attachTo, document.body.firstChild);    const mountWithContext = function mountWithContext(node, localOptions = {}) {     const strict = true;     const disableUnnmount = false;     const localEnzymeOptions = {};     const globalEnzymeOptions = {};      if (!disableUnnmount) {       ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(attachTo);     }      // some tests require that no other components are in the tree     // e.g. when doing .instance(), .state() etc.     return mount(strict == null ? node : <Mode __element={node} __strict={Boolean(strict)} />, {       attachTo,       ...globalEnzymeOptions,       ...localEnzymeOptions,     });   };    mountWithContext.attachTo = attachTo;   mountWithContext.cleanUp = () => {     ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(attachTo);     attachTo.parentElement.removeChild(attachTo);   };    return mountWithContext; } 
like image 145
AnilRedshift Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10
