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Why does Eclipse code completion not work on some projects?


People also ask

How do I enable code completion in Eclipse?

Step 1: Open your Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite, then go to the Window > Preferences as shown in the below image. Step 2: In the next screen go to the Java > Editor > Content Assist > Auto activation triggers for Java as shown in the below image.

Why methods are not showing in eclipse?

The following fixed it: Open Eclipse Preferences. Go to Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced. Make sure that Other Java Proposals is selected in the list of proposal kinds.

I have Eclipse 3.3.2 with PDT doing PHP development. All projects that I create, even SVN projects have code completion. Now I just opened another SVN project and it has no code completion or PHP templates (CTRL-space does nothing in that project). However, I can open the other projects and code completion all work in them.

Why would code completion and templates be "off" in just one project and how can I turn it back on?