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Bulk Insert into Oracle database: Which is better: FOR Cursor loop or a simple Select?


Which would be a better option for bulk insert into an Oracle database ? A FOR Cursor loop like

DECLARE    CURSOR C1 IS SELECT * FROM FOO; BEGIN    FOR C1_REC IN C1 LOOP    INSERT INTO BAR(A,                 B,                 C)           VALUES(C1.A,                  C1.B,                  C1.C);    END LOOP; END 

or a simple select, like:

INSERT INTO BAR(A,                 B,                 C)         (SELECT A,                 B,                 C         FROM FOO); 

Any specific reason either one would be better ?

like image 778
Sathyajith Bhat Avatar asked Jun 12 '09 14:06

Sathyajith Bhat

People also ask

What are the benefits of using bulk collect rather than the traditional loop?

Since the BULK COLLECT fetches the record in BULK, the INTO clause should always contain a collection type variable. The main advantage of using BULK COLLECT is it increases the performance by reducing the interaction between database and PL/SQL engine.

What is the difference between cursor and loop in Oracle?

Unlike an implicit cursor, you can reference an explicit cursor or cursor variable by its name. Therefore, an explicit cursor or cursor variable is called a named cursor. The cursor FOR LOOP statement lets you run a SELECT statement and then immediately loop through the rows of the result set.

What is the advantage of cursor in Oracle?

Advantages of Cursors Cursor is names thus you can reference it in your program whenever you want. Cursor allows you to fetch and process rows returned by a SELECT statement by a row at a time.

2 Answers

I would recommend the Select option because cursors take longer.
Also using the Select is much easier to understand for anyone who has to modify your query

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Josh Mein Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Josh Mein

The general rule-of-thumb is, if you can do it using a single SQL statement instead of using PL/SQL, you should. It will usually be more efficient.

However, if you need to add more procedural logic (for some reason), you might need to use PL/SQL, but you should use bulk operations instead of row-by-row processing. (Note: in Oracle 10g and later, your FOR loop will automatically use BULK COLLECT to fetch 100 rows at a time; however your insert statement will still be done row-by-row).


DECLARE    TYPE tA IS TABLE OF FOO.A%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;    TYPE tB IS TABLE OF FOO.B%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;    TYPE tC IS TABLE OF FOO.C%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;    rA tA;    rB tB;    rC tC; BEGIN    SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO rA, rB, rC FROM FOO;    -- (do some procedural logic on the data?)    FORALL i IN rA.FIRST..rA.LAST       INSERT INTO BAR(A,                       B,                       C)       VALUES(rA(i),              rB(i),              rC(i)); END; 

The above has the benefit of minimising context switches between SQL and PL/SQL. Oracle 11g also has better support for tables of records so that you don't have to have a separate PL/SQL table for each column.

Also, if the volume of data is very great, it is possible to change the code to process the data in batches.

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Jeffrey Kemp Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Jeffrey Kemp