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Why does CLng produce different results?

Here's a little gem directly from my VBE (MS Excel 2007 VBA):

x = 150*0.85

Can anybody explain this behaviour? IMHO the first expression should yield 128 (.5 rounded to nearest even), or at least should both results be equal.

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Torben Klein Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 08:02

Torben Klein

People also ask

What is CLng function?

The Microsoft Excel CLNG function converts a value to a long integer. The CLNG function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Data Type Conversion Function. It can be used as a VBA function (VBA) in Excel.

What does CLNG mean in VBA?

“CLNG” means “Convert to Long” data type. Integer data type limit is between -32768 to 32767, so anything excess you want to store to these variables then we need to use LONG data type in VBA.

3 Answers

I think wqw is right, but I'll give the details.

In the statement clng(150 * 0.85), 150 * 0.85 is calculated in extended-precision:

150 = 1.001011 x 2^7

0.85 in double precision =

1.1011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011 x 2^-1

Multiply these by hand and you get

1.1111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110001 x 2^6 =

That's 59 bits, which fits comfortably in extended-precision. It's less than 127.5 so rounds down.

In the statement x = 150 * 0.85, that 59 bit value is rounded to 53 bits, giving

1.1111111 x 2^6 = 1111111.1 = 127.5

So it rounds up according to round-half-to-even.

(See my article http://www.exploringbinary.com/when-doubles-dont-behave-like-doubles/ for more information.)

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Rick Regan Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 17:10

Rick Regan

Ahh one of the “fun” things about VBA is the rounding on CInt() etc is what is called bankers rounding. Bankers rounding is where 0.5 values are rounded up or down depending on if the number is an even number so 2.5 rounds to 2, 3.5 to 4 and so on.

More can be found here about rounding


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Kevin Ross Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10

Kevin Ross

This is a bit of a guess, but .85 may not be representable as a floating point number. If it is off by 0.0000000000001 it can still affect rounding in weird ways.

If you use CDec(.85) to force it into decimal mode you don't get that weirdness. This is one of the many reasons why I don't use single/double where accuracy is important.

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Jonathan Allen Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10

Jonathan Allen