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Why do you use std::move when you have && in C++11? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What is move semantics?

I recently attended a C++11 seminar and the following tidbit of advice was given.

when you have && and you are unsure, you will almost always use std::move 

Could any one explain to me why you should use std::move as opposed to some alternatives and some cases when you should not use std::move?

like image 677
pyCthon Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 18:01


People also ask

What does move () do in C++?

std::move in C++Moves the elements in the range [first,last] into the range beginning at result. The value of the elements in the [first,last] is transferred to the elements pointed by result. After the call, the elements in the range [first,last] are left in an unspecified but valid state.

What do std :: move and std :: forward do?

std::move takes an object and casts it as an rvalue reference, which indicates that resources can be "stolen" from this object. std::forward has a single use-case: to cast a templated function parameter of type forwarding reference ( T&& ) to the value category ( lvalue or rvalue ) the caller used to pass it.

Do I need to return std :: move?

std::move is totally unnecessary when returning from a function, and really gets into the realm of you -- the programmer -- trying to babysit things that you should leave to the compiler.

Where is std :: move defined?

In C++11, std::move is a standard library function that casts (using static_cast) its argument into an r-value reference, so that move semantics can be invoked. Thus, we can use std::move to cast an l-value into a type that will prefer being moved over being copied. std::move is defined in the utility header.

1 Answers

First, there's probably a misconception in the question I'll address:
Whenever you see T&& t in code (And T is an actual type, not a template type), keep in mind the value category of t is an lvalue(reference), not an rvalue(temporary) anymore. It's very confusing. The T&& merely means that t is constructed from an object that was an rvalue 1, but t itself is an lvalue, not an rvalue. If it has a name (in this case, t) then it's an lvalue and won't automatically move, but if it has no name (the result of 3+4) then it is an rvalue and will automatically move into it's result if it can. The type (in this case T&&) has almost nothing to do with the value category of the variable (in this case, an lvalue).

That being said, if you have T&& t written in your code, that means you have a reference to a variable that was a temporary, and it is ok to destroy if you want to. If you need to access the variable multiple times, you do not want to std::move from it, or else it would lose it's value. But the last time you acccess t it is safe to std::move it's value to another T if you wish. (And 95% of the time, that's what you want to do). All of this also applies to auto&& variables.

1. if T is a template type, T&& is a forwarding reference instead, in which case you use std::forward<T>(t) instead of std::move(t) the last time. See this question.

like image 94
Mooing Duck Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

Mooing Duck