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Why do you need inclusion guard for C++ header files?

I get roughly what it does. What I don't understand is why it's not the default? What are the use cases where some header file would need to be included multiple times?

like image 679
Pratik Avatar asked Oct 31 '18 23:10


People also ask

Why do we need header guards in C?

Header Guards in C++ are conditional compilation directives that help to avoid errors that arise when the same function or variable is defined more than once by the mistake of a programmer.

Why should we use include guards in our header files?

Header guards are designed to ensure that the contents of a given header file are not copied, more than once, into any single file to prevent duplicate definitions. This is a good thing because we often need to reference the contents of a given header from different project files.

Do I need to include the header in the C file?

c') should include them itself, and not rely on its header to include them. The header should only include what users of the software need; not what the implementers need.

Should I always use include guards?

Formally, you don't need include guards in your bar. h . It has a single function declaration, which can be repeated many times in one translation units. So, including this header multiple times will not lead to errors.

1 Answers

The reason it's not the default is primarily historical these days -- when the C language was formalized, #include was specified that it must act exactly as if the user had copy-and-pasted the specified file's contents at the location of the #include-line; and C++ wanted (and wants) to remain as compatible as possible with C, so C++ inherited that behavior from C.

As for a use-case where including the same header file more than once might be useful; one instance where I found it useful was for simulating a templated-container-class in C (because C doesn't support templates directly). I had a container-implementation-header-file that looked something like this (but more elaborate; I'm showing a simplified version here for readability):

// MyContainerImplemention.h
// be sure to #define MYTYPE and MYARRAYSIZE
// before #include-ing this file!

struct ArrayOf##MYTYPE

inline void Set##MYTYPE##Item(struct ArrayOf##MyType * container, int which, MYTYPE item) 
   container[which] = item;

[... and so on for various other MYTYPE-specific methods ...]

... then my .c files could do something like:

#define MYTYPE int
#define MYARRAYSIZE 10
#include "MyContainerImplementation.h"
#undef MYTYPE

#define MYTYPE short
#define MYARRAYSIZE 15
#include "MyContainerImplementation.h"
#undef MYTYPE

struct ArrayOfint myInts;
struct ArrayOfshort myShorts;

SetintItem(&myInts, 5, 12);
SetshortItem(&myShorts, 3, 2);

... and end up with the container "class" and its associated methods implemented for each data-type, without having to manually write a new implementation of the container "class" each time.

Yes, it was extremely ugly -- but not as ugly as having to manually write out thousands of lines of redundant container-code would have been. (The real container-implementation-header-file implemented a hash table and was several hundred lines long)

like image 174
Jeremy Friesner Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Jeremy Friesner