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Why do we use tf.name_scope()



I've been reading the tutorials on TensorFlow where they have written

with tf.name_scope('read_inputs') as scope:     # something 

The example

a = tf.constant(5) 


with tf.name_scope('s1') as scope:     a = tf.constant(5) 

seem to have the same effect. So, why do we use name_scope?

like image 466
Vibhor Kanojia Avatar asked Mar 10 '17 02:03

Vibhor Kanojia

People also ask

What does TF Name_scope do?

This context manager pushes a name scope, which will make the name of all operations added within it have a prefix.

What does TF Variable_scope do?

Variable scope allows you to create new variables and to share already created ones while providing checks to not create or share by accident. For details, see the Variable Scope How To, here we present only a few basic examples. The Variable Scope works as expected when the Eager Execution is Disabled.

2 Answers

They are not the same thing.

import tensorflow as tf c1 = tf.constant(42) with tf.name_scope('s1'):     c2 = tf.constant(42) print(c1.name) print(c2.name) 


Const:0 s1/Const:0 

So as the name suggests, the scope functions create a scope for the names of the ops you create inside. This has an effect on how you refer to tensors, on reuse, on how the graph shows in TensorBoard and so on.

like image 95
etarion Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09


I don't see the use case for reusing constants but here is some relevant information on scopes and variable sharing.


  • name_scope will add scope as a prefix to all operations

  • variable_scope will add scope as a prefix to all variables and operations

Instantiating Variables

  • tf.Variable() constructer prefixes variable name with current name_scope and variable_scope

  • tf.get_variable() constructor ignores name_scope and only prefixes name with the current variable_scope

For example:

with tf.variable_scope("variable_scope"):      with tf.name_scope("name_scope"):          var1 = tf.get_variable("var1", [1])  with tf.variable_scope("variable_scope"):      with tf.name_scope("name_scope"):          var2 = tf.Variable([1], name="var2") 


var1 = <tf.Variable 'variable_scope/var1:0' shape=(1,) dtype=float32_ref>  var2 = <tf.Variable 'variable_scope/name_scope/var2:0' shape=(1,) dtype=string_ref> 

Reusing Variables

  • Always use tf.variable_scope to define the scope of a shared variable

  • The easiest way to do reuse variables is to use the reuse_variables() as shown below

with tf.variable_scope("scope"):     var1 = tf.get_variable("variable1",[1])     tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()     var2=tf.get_variable("variable1",[1]) assert var1 == var2 
  • tf.Variable() always creates a new variable, when a variable is constructed with an already used name it just appends _1, _2 etc. to it - which can cause conflicts :(
like image 32
Soph Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
