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Why do we need airflow hooks?

Doc says:

Hooks are interfaces to external platforms and databases like Hive, S3, MySQL, Postgres, HDFS, and Pig. Hooks implement a common interface when possible, and act as a building block for operators. Ref

But why do we need them?

I want to select data from one Postgres DB, and store to another one. Can I use, for example, psycopg2 driver inside python script, which runs by a python operator, or airflow should know for some reason what exactly I'm doing inside script, so, I need to use PostgresHook instead of just psycopg2 driver?

like image 754
user1443993 Avatar asked Jun 22 '20 11:06


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Why do we use Airflow?

Airflow enables you to manage your data pipelines by authoring workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of tasks. There's no concept of data input or output – just flow. You manage task scheduling as code, and can visualize your data pipelines' dependencies, progress, logs, code, trigger tasks, and success status.

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What is hooks in Airflow?

Hooks are one of the fundamental building blocks of Airflow. At a high level, a hook is an abstraction of a specific API that allows Airflow to interact with an external system. Hooks are built into many operators, but they can also be used directly in DAG code.

1 Answers

You should use just PostresHook. Instead of using psycopg2 as so:

conn = f'{pass}:{server}@host etc}'
cur = conn.cursor()
data = cur.fetchall()

You can just type:

postgres = PostgresHook('connection_id')
data = postgres.get_pandas_df(query)

Which can also make use of encryption of connections.

So using hooks is cleaner, safer and easier.

like image 83
Javier Lopez Tomas Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Javier Lopez Tomas