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Exporting spark dataframe to .csv with header and specific filename

I am trying to export data from a spark dataframe to .csv file:

  .option("header", "true")\

It is creating a file name "part-r-00001-512872f2-9b51-46c5-b0ee-31d626063571.csv"

I want the filename to be "part-r-00000.csv" or "part-00000.csv"

As the file is being created on AWS S3, I am limited in how I can use os.system commands.

How can I set the file name while keeping the header in the file?


like image 821
Naresh Y Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 21:02

Naresh Y

People also ask

How do I save a Spark DataFrame as a CSV with header?

In Spark, you can save (write/extract) a DataFrame to a CSV file on disk by using dataframeObj. write. csv("path") , using this you can also write DataFrame to AWS S3, Azure Blob, HDFS, or any Spark supported file systems.

How do I write a DataFrame to a single CSV file in PySpark?

When you are ready to write a DataFrame, first use Spark repartition() and coalesce() to merge data from all partitions into a single partition and then save it to a file. This still creates a directory and write a single part file inside a directory instead of multiple part files.

What is difference between repartition and coalesce?

Coalesce uses existing partitions to minimize the amount of data that are shuffled. Repartition creates new partitions and does a full shuffle. Coalesce results in partitions with different amounts of data (sometimes partitions that have many different sizes) and repartition results in roughly equal-sized partitions.

1 Answers

Well, though I've got -3 rating for my question, here I'm posting the solution which helped me addressing the problem. Me being a techie, always bother more about code / logic than looking into grammar. At least for me, a small context should do to understand the problem.

Coming to the solution:

When we create a .csv file from spark dataframe,

The output file is by default named part-x-yyyyy where:

1) x is either 'm' or 'r', depending on whether the job was a map only job, or reduce 2) yyyyy is the mapper or reducer task number, either it can be 00000 or a random number.

In order to rename the output file, running an os.system HDFS command should do.

import os, sys
output_path_stage = //set the source folder path here
output_path  = // set the target folder path here
//creating system command line
cmd2 = "hdfs dfs -mv " + output_path_stage + 'part-*' + '  ' + output_path + 'new_name.csv'
//executing system command

fyi, if we use rdd.saveAsTextFile option, file gets created with no header. If we use coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").save(output_path) , file gets created with a random part-x name. above solution will help us creating a .csv file with header, delimiter along with required file name.

like image 176
Naresh Y Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Naresh Y